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Eucon - International Legal Center — Eucon
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Lawyers of International Legal Center EUCON defended interests of TNK-BP Commerce in the dispute with the Tax Administration to recover 246 million UAH.

On 7 February 2013 Managing Partner of the International Legal Center «EUCON» Yaroslav Romanchuk attended the meeting with heads of Public Councils and with Minister of Income and Tax O. Klymenko, Minister of Economic Development and Trade I. Prasolov and Minister of Finance V. Kolobov

On January 29, 2013 Yaroslav Romanchuk, Managing Partner of the International Legal Center «EUCON» takes part in a meeting with Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov which will be held in association with the Council of Entrepreneurs under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Interests of the individual entrepreneur G. Ryabchenko defended by lawyers of the International Legal Center «EUCON» at the Kyiv Administrative Court of Appeal. The legal suit was brought by STI in Holosiivskiy district of Kyiv in order to recover 1.9 million UAH.

International Legal Center «EUCON» became legal advisor of Amica Wronki S.A - the largest manufacturer of household appliances in Poland. The first stage involves registration of “HANSA UKRAINE” LTD in Ukraine. The plan of the company for the next three years is to increase the sales of products in the Ukrainian market up to 15 million EUR per year.

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"Trust is important. Trust is a confidence in the result"

Interview with the managing partner of the International Legal Center EUCON Yaroslav Romanchuk, published in the Ukrainian Lawyer.


Interview with the managing partner of the International Legal Center «EUCON» Yaroslav Romanchuk published in the annual, joint publication of the newspaper "Legal Practice" and PH "Kommersant-Ukraine": "TOP - 50 leading law firms of Ukraine."

X - Economic Summit Poland – Ukraine

On 3-4 February 2011, Yaroslav Romanchuk - Managing Partner of the International Legal Center “EUCON”, Chairman of the Board of Directors of International Audit Union, a member of the Council of Entrepreneurs under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine will arrive to Warsaw at the anniversary X - Economic Summit Poland - Ukraine at the invitation of Jacek Piechota - President of Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Stanisław Ciosek - the Secretary General of Eastern Club.

Yaroslav Romanchuk is a member of the Council of Entrepreneurs under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

According to the Ordinance of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 25. 10. 2010, ¹ 2021-p, General Manager - Managing Partner of the International Legal Center "EUCON", Chairman of the Board of Directors of International Audit Union - Yaroslav Romanchuk was introduced into the Council of Entrepreneurs under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Ukraine - Poland Economic Forum

Managing partner of International Legal Center “EUCON” Iaroslav Romanchuk and partner Leszek Lachowicz will take part in Ukraine - Poland Economic Forum that will take place in Warsaw, 26-28 of May 2010.

4th Europe - Ukraine Forum

Managing partner of International Legal Center “EUCON” Iaroslav Romanchuk will take part in 4th Europe - Ukraine Forum that will take place in Kyiv, 26-28 of April 2010.

Problematic legal issues on questions of dividing land into categories

The problems of legislative regulation on questions of dividing land into categories are examined.

Legal effect of trade mark certificate annulment for juridical position of the parties of license agreement

It is grounded that a license agreement should be deemed invalid in case of annulment of the trade mark certificate. The author offers to apply the provisions of the Chapter 83 of the Civil Code of Ukraine for the reinstatement of the financial sphere of the person whose business reputation was used without due legal grounds.

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