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Network for Inclusion : Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities in Ukraine

Network for Inclusion

 ‘Network for Inclusion. School is for Everyone’!


This document is intended for individuals and organizations who are interested in disability issues and inclusive education and want to contribute to inclusion of persons with disabilities in Ukraine by joining the virtual network, “Network for Inclusion. School is for Everyone”.

The project “Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities in Ukraine”, funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), has been ongoing since 2008 to promote inclusive education in Ukraine. The project focuses on developing inclusive policies and programs through a knowledge-based and participatory decision-making process, and building capacity of civil society to influence change for inclusive education.

As direct result of the project, new policies are in place, public awareness is growing, and parents are joining in advocating for the rights of their children with disabilities. However, there is a significant gap between formal recognition of international conventions and national legislation and the reality of educating children with disabilities inclusively. Another significant gap is evident in understanding of the concept of disability and inclusive education. This gap is illustrated by the existence and competing nature of the two parallel systems of regular education and special education in the country. This creates significant barriers for children with disabilities and their families to equal access to education. We believe that more collaboration is needed between these two educational systems to ensure sharing of information, knowledge and resources to ultimately transform both systems into inclusive education for all.

The project created the virtual network “Network for Inclusion. School is for Everyone” (the Network) to support inclusive education in Ukraine, with a particular focus on children and youth with disabilities. The Network is a virtual and voluntarily umbrella entity, which unites NGOs, parents groups, government agencies, learning institutions, and other interested groups to advance inclusion and inclusive education across Ukraine at all levels of society. The Network contributes to making changes at the individual and organizational levels, as well as systemic change in how children with disabilities and their families are supported in Ukraine.

Goals and Objectives

The overall goals of the Network are:

  • Support and promote inclusive education for children with disabilities in Ukraine.
  • Facilitate knowledge and information sharing among its members supporters.
  • Advance public awareness on issues related to disability and inclusion, and gain public support; and
  • Promote collaboration among organizations and parents across Ukraine.

The overall objectives of the Network are:

  • To facilitate open access to information, resources and best practices in the area of inclusive education, with a focus on children with disabilities;
  • To provide an opportunity to its members and broader community to network and exchange ideas on how to effectively advocate for inclusive education;
  • To facilitate collaborative learning, planning and action among parent organizations and other interested groups; and
  • To assist families, educators and professionals to collaboratively make decisions/ recommendations regarding education, inclusion and other related issues.  

We anticipate that the Network will contribute to:

  • Increasing public awareness of and support to inclusive education and issues of children with disabilities in Ukraine;
  • Making positive changes to social policies and programs to promote the access of persons with disabilities in all levels of education and community living;
  • Public monitoring of the activities of the executive authorities in order to protect the rights for education of children with disabilities;
  • Encouraging parents to be active partners in educational process;
  • Strengthening capacities of member-NGOs of the Network; and
  • Making greater collaboration among Ukrainian NGOs and with international organizations.

The Network is guided by the principles adopted by the «Inclusive Education for Children with disabilities in Ukraine» project:

  • Inclusive education for all students, including those with disabilities;
  • Understanding disability from the social[1] and human rights[2] models.;
  • Right of parents to choose educational institution and to raise their child in the community;
  • Family-centred approach;
  • Capacity building of all stakeholder groups (institutional and individual);
  • Transparent and inclusive process;
  • Equal partnership; and
  • Gender equality.

Network Facilitator (Inclusion Resource Centre)

At the present time the Network is being facilitated by Coordinator of the Inclusion Resource Centre in Simferopol (Ms. Galina Klimenko).

During 2012- 2013, the Network will elect a coordinating committee made up of member organizations and to coordinate and promote the work of the Network. The Facilitator/Facilitating Organization, along with the coordinating committee, is responsible for managing the Network, including membership management, organization of virtual meetings, discussions, trainings, sharing of resources and information, developing and sustaining partnerships. The Network and its coordinating committee will collaborate closely with the Inclusion Resource Centres, which are already operational in Lviv and Simferopol.

Joining in Network Membership

Join the Network and participate in the national dialogue and actions to advance inclusion of persons with disabilities in Ukraine! As a Network member you will:

  • Be able to participate in the decision making process of the Network;
  • Raise the profile of your organization amongst other organizations and people with disabilities;
  • Join other member organizations in making systemic changes to inclusive policies and practices for persons with disabilities in Ukraine.

Specific activities in which members will engage include:

  • Having access to information and resources;
  • Initiating and participating in the discussions with other key players about issues related to disability and inclusive education;
  • Sharing news, events, achievements and challenges in your region;
  • Offering support to, or seeking support from, other members;
  • Creating virtual interest group(s)/meetings in your region or nationally (e.g., parents group, teachers group, NGOs); and
  • Promoting events and joint learning.

Members must be familiar with the Network’s guiding principles (e.g., social and human rights model, inclusion and community living), and affirm their commitments to them.

Members also agree to support and promote inclusive education for children with disabilities by providing information about their work, actively applying gained knowledge in the area of disability and inclusion in their work and facilitate collaborative approaches and initiatives locally or nationally.

In order to join the Network:

  1. Be familiar with the information in this document, particularly the Network’s goals.
  2. Fill out and submit the Application Form:

Application Form

[1] Social Model of Disability refers to the perspective that views disability as a social issue. It means that it is not people with disabilities that are limited or deficient. Rather, it is the way in which society is organized that limits people with disabilities by failing to take into account what they need in order to participate in the society.

[2] Human Rights Model of Disability views disability as a natural variation among people, rather than a stigmatized condition, whereby certain individuals require supports in order to fully participate and be equal members in society. This view focuses on the basic rights to which persons with disabilities are entitled as equal citizens.