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Team / Structure / About TIC / ИТК - Индустриальный Телевизионный Комитет
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About TIC


Kateryna Kotenko

Executive Director

Professional sociologist, graduated Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and Summer University for Democracy of the Schools of Political Studies of the Council of Europe.

The Executive Director is responsible for all activities of TIC, implements the strategic plans of TIC members, organizes and oversees the entire company. She organizes and coordinates the implementation of decisions of the General Meeting, also concludes contracts and agreements on behalf of TIC, employs and dismisses TIC’s employees.

Irina Chebotaeva

Deputy Executive Director

Graduated National Linguistic University of Kyiv, having been qualified as a translator of English and German, and the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” majoring in Foreign Economic Activity.

She is responsible for managing human resources and external communications with TIC partners, holding negotiations on behalf of TIC. She organizes the Company’s work through controlling business processes. She is also responsible for control over external subcontractors.

Galyna Tanchak

Deputy Executive Director for Legal Affairs, Coordinator of the Legal Committee

Deputy Chairman of Media All-Ukrainian public organization "Ukrainian Bar Association"

Professional Lawyer, higher education obtained at Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, specialty "Law", Master of Law.

Engaged in the study and creation of legislative initiatives that are necessary for the effective functioning of the industry. Represents the position of TIC in relations with government agencies, industry associations and the public, participates in public events on behalf of CTI. Provides and supervises the activities of legal services company. Organized by the work of the Legal Committee is meeting and provide the necessary information exchange between members of the Legal Committee.

Lyudmyla Maydanyuk

Financial Director

Specialist in accounting and auditing. Graduated State Technological University of Zhytomyr.

She is engaged in financial management of TIC, organization of accounting of economic and financial activity, controls the efficient use of material and financial resources, monitors the compliance with organization's budget and is responsible for preparing external financial statements.

Lyubov Chebotaeva


Financial Economist. Graduated Kyiv National Trade and Economy University.

Engaged in designing and processing of primary documents, accounting and preparation of data for the formation of financial and statistical reporting.

Olena Pushechnikova

Communications and PR Manager

Professional sociologist, graduated Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv majoring in Sociology.

She deals with membership issues, ensures feedback from TIC members, and informs the members about current activities of the Company. She also coordinates activities related to attraction of new members. She is responsible for public relations.

Kateryna Tanchak

Projects Manager

Ggraduated Ivan Franko National University of Lviv having been qualified as a public accountant.

She coordinates TIC’s internal and external projects, organizes conferences, workshops and roundtable discussions. She is responsible for the television awards held by TIC.

Semen Sizov

Media Analyst

Graduated National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" specialty Intelligent Decision Support Systems.

He controls the reporting of the TV panel operator, has been conducting databases, provides improvement of quality control systems TV panel prepares analytical reports for customer inquiries.

Viktoria Borshchenko

Senior Media Analyst

Ph.D. in social sciences, graduated Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv majoring in Sociology.

She performs technical reviews of TIC’s draft decisions on television researches, also performs technical tasks related to the system of television researches.

Volodymyr Ishchenko

Media Analyst, Coordinator of the Technical Committee

Ph.D. in social sciences, graduated at the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" and the Central European University in Budapest.

He is engaged in organization of a balanced (reliable, consistent and appropriate for all users) system of sociological researches of the television audience of Ukraine. He represents the TIC’s position and the Company itself in the international organizations involved in media measurement. He performs technical reviews of TIC’s draft decisions on television researches, also performs technical tasks related to the system of television researches. He organizes the work of the Technical Committee, holds its meetings and provides necessary information exchange between the Committee members.

Igor Koval

GR manager

Professional lawyer, graduated Vadym Hetman National Economic University of Kyiv majoring in Law and was awarded a master's degree in International Economic Law.

He participates in the regulatory activities of state bodies in the field of television and radio, namely: the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the State Committee of Ukraine for Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy, the National Expert Committee for Protection of Public Morality.

He is engaged in learning and creation of legislative initiatives that are necessary for the effective functioning of the industry, in particular, developing new legislation on the introduction of digital broadcasting.

He is responsible for specific legislative and legal issues in the Legal Service: advertising (sponsorship), copyright and related rights, morality, telecommunications, digital broadcasting.

Dmitriy Lutsenko

Projects Manager

Graduate National University of Food Technologies, specialty equipment and food processing industries.

Lesya Tarnovetska

Senior Legal Counsel

Professional lawyer, graduated Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv majoring in Law, Master of Law. Advocate.

She participates in the regulatory activities of state bodies, namely: the Customs Service, the Central Election Commission, the State Committee for TV and Radio Broadcasting, the State Committee for Entrepreneurship.

She is engaged in learning and creation of legislative initiatives that are necessary for the effective functioning of the industry. She is responsible for specific legislative and legal issues in the Legal Service: election, customs and tax laws, transparency of ownership, the language.

Kisil Vitalii

Media Analyst

Magister Sociology graduated National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" in "Sociology".

Prepare analytic reports for consumer requests and updates analytics on the website TIC.

Oksana Kvasko

Office Manager

Studying at the Kiev National University of Technologies and Design in "Finances and credit".

She manages and controls the TIC’s office, is responsible for logistics, maintains records, and is the “face” of TIC’s office.

Ganja Kateryna


Studying at the Kiev University for Market Relations specialty "Jurisprudence".

Greets the visitors and guests of the company answers the phone.

Serhiy Zavalishyn


Drives and accompanies documents.