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Main / ИТК - Индустриальный Телевизионный Комитет
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Television Industry Committee —

is a professional association of leading TV-channels, media agencies and advertisers. It represents interests of television industry of Ukraine and cares for its members' protection. The main goal of TIC is to promote the development of TV industry in Ukraine.


  • 05.092012
    Only one week left till the meeting of legends of Ukrainian television  
  • 23.082012
    9 reasons to attend conference ‘Television as Business’  
  • 18.072012
    New website of the conference ‘TV as Business’  


  • 17.012012
    Convention on distribution of program-carrying signals transmitted through satellites  
  • 29.102009
    Щодо Проекту Закону про внесення змін до деяких законів України щодо податку на політичну рекламу №5248  
  • 20.032009
    До Проекту Закону «Про державну мову та мови національних меншин в Україні» №4222