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Call Centre
0 (800) 500-500
Kyiv (44) 490-88-88
24 hour service

Call center for Small and Medium Enterprises
0 (800) 505-045

Centre of Internet-banking (for economic entity) technical support
0 (800) 505-770

Acquiring Help Desk
0 (800) 500-738 Kyiv 495-91-91

Head Office
9, Leskova Street,
Kyiv, Ukraine, 01011

Raiffeisen Leasing Aval


Traveller's cheques

The traveler's cheque is the obligation of a financial institution to pay to the proprietor of the cheque the sum indicated in it in currency stated and is one of the most convenient and safe ways of money transportation when travelling all over the world.

Raiffeisen Bank Aval is one of few Ukrainian banks which directly work with emitter — American Express, and offer you traveller's cheque of American Express in US dollars in denominations 50, 100, and 500, and in Euro in denominations 50, 100, 200 and 500.

Acquiring cheques you become the client of a settlement system of world famous company American Express which have more than a centenary experience in working with these payment documents.

Traveller's cheques are turned into a cash:

  • only to the proprietor of cheque which can put his second signature;
  • in the multibranch network of American Express and almost all world banks;
  • under more favourable course of exchange, than that offered by exchange offices.

Advantages of traveller's cheques:

  • convenient for transporting; simple in use; have no time constraints;
  • are accepted as payment for goods and services in overwhelming majority of shops, hotels, restaurants, rental agencies, service centres of many countries of the world;
  • are printed on a special paper and have several reliable degrees of protection;
  • in case of their loss proprietors have an opportunity to receive reimbursement in cash or cheques, having informed of it any institution working with American Express.

Traveller's cheque should include the following requisites:

  1. Name of the document — "Traveller's Cheque";
  2. Name of the emitter issued the traveller's cheque — American Express, etc.;
  3. Name of the payer and his requisites;
  4. Signatures of the authorized representatives of emitters;
  5. Nominal value and name of foreign currency;
  6. Series and number;
  7. Dotted lines for signatures of the person, acquiring cheques.

Any additional information may be obtained at the round-the-clock operating call center of Raiffeisen Bank Aval by phone free of charge: around Ukraine — 0-800-500-500, in Kyiv — 490-88-88. E-mail:

Useful links

  • Raiffeisen Bank International
  • Deposit and current accounts
  • Money transfers
  • Raiffeisen Online system

Core Perfomances of the Bank*

as at 30 June 2012
billion UAH
Paid-in capital3,0
Equity capital6,38

* in compliance with the Ukrainian accounting standards and NBU’s requirements

Exchange rates *


* update at 05.10.2012

** including usage for foreign currency loans repayment in the self-service centers

$/ˆ 0.7721
ˆ/$ 1.2951