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Legal Notice and Licenses

Legal Notice and Licenses


This web site, including without limitation, the text, content, photographs, video, audio and graphics, is protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, international treaties and/or other proprietary rights and laws of Ukraine.

Information on this web site is believed to be accurate and reliable when placed on this site, but we cannot guarantee it is accurate or complete or current at all times. Customers are advised to verify any information before relying on it. The information on this site is presented in summary form, and is provided for informational purposes only; it is not intended nor recommended as a substitute for professional investment advice on a certain issue.

EAVEX CAPITAL makes no representations whatsoever about any other web sites which you may access from the EAVEX CAPITAL web site. A link to a non - EAVEX CAPITAL web site does not mean that EAVEX CAPITAL endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content or use of such web site. Links to other web sites from this web site are for convenience only.

EAVEX CAPITAL is not responsible in any manner for direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, however caused, arising out of your use of this web site and/or any web browser, including any damages you may suffer if you transmit some confidential or sensitive information to us or if we communicate such information to you at your request over the Internet.


EAVEX CAPITAL is fully licensed by the State Securities Commission for:

1. Professional activity in the capital markets - trading of securities - brokerage services: series AB №534282, 07.10.2007 – 07.10.2012

2. Professional activity in the capital markets - trading of securities - dealer services: series: АВ №534283, 07.10.2007 – 07.10.2012

3. Professional activity in the capital markets – trading of securities - underwriting of securities: series АВ №534284, 07.10.2007 – 07.10.2012

4. Professional activity in the capital markets - depository services – depository services, custodian of securities: series АВ №534285, 07.10.2007 – 07.10.2012

On 20.07.2010, the Company was issued new licenses by the State Securities Commission in connection with the change of name of the company from Sincome Capital to Eavex Capital.

The Company has also received a General License from the National Bank of Ukraine for currency operations, №40 on 05.09.2008.