
Tempus Information Days
The National Tempus Office in Ukraine (NTO) in close cooperation with the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine has announced the registration for the Tempus Information Days.


МОНмолодьспорту пропонуватиме збільшити держзамовлення ІТ-спеціалістів на 30 %
Цього року планується збільшення державного замовлення з підготовки фахівців з ІТ-технологій.

Новини областей

Львівська і Харківська політехніки: поліфонія співпраці та дружби
Днями із Харкова до Львова повернувся колектив камерного оркестру Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», який носить назву «Поліфонія».

Ukraine and Qatar reach a new level of relations in Education and Science

8 May 2012.  Yevhen Sulima, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine, in line with instructions from the President and the Prime Minister of Ukraine, signed a Memorandum of Mutual Understanding between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of Qatar, to formalise collaboration in education and scientific research, in Doha, Qatar.

Congratulations to the Ukrainian team on their successful performance in the final of the I-SWEEEP-2012 International Competition

In early May 2012 in Houston, Texas, United States of America, the international I-SWEEEP competition (International Sustainable World (Engineering, Energy & Environment) Project Olympiad) was held. This year students from 69 countries and 43 American States participated in the event.

Kyiv pupils and journalists join Dmytro Tabachnyk on an excursion

Dmytro Tabachnyk, Minister of Education and Science, Youth and Sport, today took an excursion around the National Museum of the 1941-1945 World War memorial complex with 10th- and 11th-grade pupils from the № 79 High School of Information Technology in Kyiv.

Signing planned of a Memorandum in Education and Science between Ukraine and Qatar

8 May 2012. Yevhen Sulima, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Youth and Sport, has travelled to the State of Qatar as part of a government delegation led by Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov. The delegation will stay in Qatar on a two-day official visit.

Congratulations from Dmytro Tabachnyk on the Day of the Great Victory

Dear veterans!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the anniversary of the Great Victory!

9 May is a sacred date for all generations, because every family should maintain eternal respect for war, in every family the memory should live on of the suffering and loss.