This version of the page ( stored by It represents a snapshot of the page as of 2011-12-05. The original page over time could change. Online Rental Services Marketplace for Russian-speaking audience
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What is is Online Rental Marketplace focused on Russian-speaking Internet audience.

The Russian word "vremenno" means "temporary" and explains the idea of this marketplace: at, users (private individuals and companies / organizations) can find rental offers, take things and objects for temporary usage, as well as can offer their properties on a temporary basis to the others. is aimed to help users at renting various properties - from real estate, automobiles, equipment and devices to fine arts objects, clothes and accessories, etc.

Features allows users to place their rental offers and requests (bids and asks), search for offers / requests using multiple filters, track rental directory updates using auto-informers service and RSS-feeds, make rental deals, evaluate things / objects, share experience and communicate with other users.'s basic services are free of charge. Advanced "premium" features and advertising services are available for extra fees. has been launched on the Spring of 2009, and is under Beta-testing now. New features are under development and coming soon.

Cooperation is the project of UI Systems company.
UI Systems is digital communications and consulting company, based in Kiev (Ukraine). We offer IT consulting and outsourcing services for Ukrainian and International customers, and develop / manage several own Internet projects. We are open to discuss any cooperation possibilities.

For more information about, UI Systems company and cooperation possibilities - please contact us.


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