This version of the page ( stored by It represents a snapshot of the page as of 2011-10-07. The original page over time could change.
Новости Горячих туров
  • Туры
  • Авиабилеты
  • Горящие путевки
  • Медовый месяц
  • Агентствам
  • Франчайзинг
  • Каталог отелей
  • Где купить туры
  • О компании

ВНИМАНИЕ! Вы используете устаревший браузер Internet Explorer 6

Данный сайт построен на передовых, современных технологиях и не поддерживает Internet Explorer 6-ой версии.

Настоятельно Вам рекомендуем выбрать и установить любой из современных браузеров. Это бесплатно и займет всего несколько минут.

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«Туртесс тревел»
Напоминаем, что у туроператора «Туртесс тревел» документы в аэропорту НЕ ВЫДАЮТСЯ.
Поздравляем с Днем туризма!!!
Уважаемые коллеги!
Особенности работы пограничной службы аэропорта Борисполь
Сегодня состоится вебинар"Особенности работы пограничной службы аэропорта Борисполь".
Благодарим оператора «Любосвит»
ООО "Европа тур" награждается бесплатным туром в Черногорию!
Поздравляем агентство «Агентство лучших туров «Твой тур»
Поздравляем агентство «Агентство лучших туров «Твой тур»
Бесплатные экскурсионные туры
"Горячие туры" продолжают радовать своих контрагентов бесплатными экскурсионными турами от компании ДАВ КЛУБ
Уважаемые коллеги! Напоминаем Вам о том, что с 25.08.2011
Поздравляем лидеров продаж!!!!
С радостью продолжаем награждать наши лучшие агентства
График работы Центрального офиса 24/08/2011
График работы Центрального офиса 24/08/2011
Поздравляем лидеров продаж!!!!
По итогам летнего сезона, 10 компаниям - лидерам продаж, предоставляется возможность БЕСПЛАТНО посетить рекламный тур в Египет от туроператора ТЕЗ ТУР
Эксклюзивный рекламный тур для агентств сети «Горячие туры»!
Эксклюзивный рекламный тур для агентств сети «Горячие туры»!
Иммиграционная служба ОАЭ не будет работать
Иммиграционная служба ОАЭ не будет работать
Ремонтные работы в г. Киев
Информируем Вас о том, что на пр. Бажана от Харьковской площади ведутся ремонтные работы.
Ограничения для граждан Украины при выезде за границу
Ограничения для граждан Украины при выезде за границу
«Петрівський ярмарок» в г. Черновцы
В июле месяце состоялся ежегодный «Петрівський ярмарок» в г. Черновцы. «Петрівський ярмарок» - это настоящий праздник для жителей города...
Новые агентства в сети "Горячие туры"
Новые агентства в сети "Горячие туры"
Семинар "Материковая Испания (Каталония)"
Семинар "Bienvenido a España Материковая Испания (Каталония).Острова: Майорка, Тенерифе. Особенности регионов и отельной базы."
По итогам продаж с 01.01.2011 по 05.07.2011 по направлению ОАЭ, Центральный офис «Горячие туры» награждает бесплатными рекламными турами в ОАЭ...
Условия бронирования и ануляции туров
В последнее время участились случаи бронирования и аннуляции туров агентами без предварительной оплаты туристов. Очень трудно решить вопрос аннуляции тура без ...
Обновление раздела "Где купить туры"
В связи с созданием и наполнением нового сайта просьба ВСЕМ агентствам отправить новые фотографии офисов (внешнего и внутреннего вида), по желанию фотографии и к...
График работы
Уважаемые коллеги! 13.06.2011 центральный офис «Горячие туры» работает с 10:00 до 16:00
Консультации менеджеров
Уважаемые коллеги! Напоминаем о том, что Вы всегда можете позвонить в центральный офис и получить консультацию менеджеров по направлениям, отельной базе, комисс...
  • Поиск
  • Авиабилеты
Тип тура
Предложения туроператоров
Лучшие новогодние и рождественские туры
в Европу!
Идеальное соотношение цена-качество!
Экскурсионные автобусные туры
из Львова от туроператора «Алголь»
Романтические викенды, лечение и велнес
на термальных курортах Европы.
Комбинированные авиа и авто туры по Европе.
Туристический клуб
Куба, Доминикана, Мексика,
Ямайка, Барбадос

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 2005

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in class soap_transport_http::soap_transport_http("")
#21: in function ereg()
#22: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 2005, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 2347

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in class soap_transport_http::setEncoding("gzip, deflate")
#21: in function set_magic_quotes_runtime()
#22: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 2347, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 2544

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in class soap_transport_http::send("", 0, 30)
#21: in class soap_transport_http::getResponse()
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 2544, array(5))

Debug Msg

"Function split() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 2888

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in class soap_transport_http::send("", 0, 30)
#21: in class soap_transport_http::getResponse()
#22: in class soap_transport_http::parseCookie("PHPSESSID=66a8ojajffc1mcv9eqbt15nk21; path=/")
#23: in function split()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function split() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 2888, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("xmlns:SOAP-ENV")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("xmlns:xsd")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("xmlns:xsi")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("xmlns:SOAP-ENC")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("xmlns:tns")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("urn:webservice")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("xmlns:soap")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("xmlns:wsdl")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("urn:webservice")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "definitions", array(9))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(9))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "types", array(0))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "types", array(0))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(5))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "xsd:schema", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 1147

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "xsd:schema", array(1))
#22: in class XMLSchema::schemaStartElement(resource(xml), "xsd:schema", array(1))
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 1147, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "xsd:schema", array(1))
#22: in class XMLSchema::schemaStartElement(resource(xml), "xsd:schema", array(1))
#23: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("urn:webservice")
#24: in function ereg()
#25: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 1147

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "xsd:import", array(1))
#22: in class XMLSchema::schemaStartElement(resource(xml), "xsd:import", array(1))
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 1147, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "xsd:import", array(1))
#22: in class XMLSchema::schemaStartElement(resource(xml), "xsd:import", array(1))
#23: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("")
#24: in function ereg()
#25: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "xsd:import")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 1147

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "xsd:import", array(1))
#22: in class XMLSchema::schemaStartElement(resource(xml), "xsd:import", array(1))
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 1147, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "xsd:import", array(1))
#22: in class XMLSchema::schemaStartElement(resource(xml), "xsd:import", array(1))
#23: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("")
#24: in function ereg()
#25: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "xsd:import")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "xsd:schema")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "types")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "message", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "message", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "message", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "part", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "part", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "part", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "part", array(2))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("xsd:string")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "part", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "part")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "message")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "message", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "message", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "message", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "part", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "part", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "part", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "part", array(2))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("xsd:string")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "part", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "part")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "message")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "message", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "message", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "message", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "part", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "part", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "part", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "part", array(2))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("xsd:string")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "part", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "part")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "message")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "message", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "message", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "message", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "part", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "part", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "part", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "part", array(2))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("xsd:string")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "part", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "part")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "message")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "portType", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "portType", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "portType", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "operation", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "operation", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "operation", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "documentation", array(0))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "documentation", array(0))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(5))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "documentation")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "input", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "input", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "input", array(1))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("tns:_execRequest")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "input", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "input")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "output", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "output", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "output", array(1))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("tns:_execResponse")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "output", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "output")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "operation")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "operation", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "operation", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "operation", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "documentation", array(0))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "documentation", array(0))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(5))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "documentation")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "input", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "input", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "input", array(1))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("tns:_exec_overiaRequest")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "input", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "input")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "output", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "output", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "output", array(1))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("tns:_exec_overiaResponse")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "output", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "output")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "operation")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "portType")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "binding", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "binding", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "binding", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "binding", array(2))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("tns:webservicePortType")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "binding", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:binding", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:binding", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:binding", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:binding", array(2))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:binding", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "soap:binding")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "operation", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "operation", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "operation", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:operation", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:operation", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:operation", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:operation", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "soap:operation")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "input", array(0))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "input", array(0))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(5))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "soap:body")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "input")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "output", array(0))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "output", array(0))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(5))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "soap:body")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "output")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "operation")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "operation", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "operation", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "operation", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:operation", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:operation", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:operation", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:operation", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "soap:operation")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "input", array(0))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "input", array(0))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(5))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "soap:body")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "input")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "output", array(0))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "output", array(0))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(5))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:body", array(3))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "soap:body")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "output")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "operation")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "binding")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "service", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "service", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "service", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "port", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "port", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "port", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 683

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "port", array(2))
#22: in class nusoap_base::expandQname("tns:webserviceBinding")
#23: in function ereg()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 683, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "port", array(2))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4290

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:address", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4290, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4309

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:address", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4309, array(7))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4334

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::start_element(resource(xml), "soap:address", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4334, array(8))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "soap:address")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "port")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "service")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 4499

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class custom_nusphere_soapclient::custom_nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::nusphere_soapclient("", "wsdl")
#18: in class wsdl::wsdl("", , , , , 0, 30)
#19: in class wsdl::parseWSDL("")
#20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class wsdl::end_element(resource(xml), "definitions")
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 4499, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 6692

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class webclient::exec("authentificate", array(2))
#17: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:6:{s:5:"login";s:6:"koroan";s:8:"password";s:6:"paswww";s:13:"exec_function";s:14:"authentificate"...")
#18: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#19: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #20: in function ereg()
#21: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 6692, array(4))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 2005

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class webclient::exec("authentificate", array(2))
#17: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:6:{s:5:"login";s:6:"koroan";s:8:"password";s:6:"paswww";s:13:"exec_function";s:14:"authentificate"...")
#18: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#19: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #20: in class soap_transport_http::soap_transport_http("")
#21: in function ereg()
#22: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 2005, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 2347

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class webclient::exec("authentificate", array(2))
#17: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:6:{s:5:"login";s:6:"koroan";s:8:"password";s:6:"paswww";s:13:"exec_function";s:14:"authentificate"...")
#18: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#19: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #20: in class soap_transport_http::setEncoding("gzip")
#21: in function set_magic_quotes_runtime()
#22: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 2347, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 6714

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class webclient::exec("authentificate", array(2))
#17: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:6:{s:5:"login";s:6:"koroan";s:8:"password";s:6:"paswww";s:13:"exec_function";s:14:"authentificate"...")
#18: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#19: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #20: in function ereg()
#21: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 6714, array(5))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 2544

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class webclient::exec("authentificate", array(2))
#17: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:6:{s:5:"login";s:6:"koroan";s:8:"password";s:6:"paswww";s:13:"exec_function";s:14:"authentificate"...")
#18: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#19: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #20: in class soap_transport_http::send(" #21: in class soap_transport_http::getResponse()
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 2544, array(5))

Debug Msg

"Function split() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 2888

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class webclient::exec("authentificate", array(2))
#17: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:6:{s:5:"login";s:6:"koroan";s:8:"password";s:6:"paswww";s:13:"exec_function";s:14:"authentificate"...")
#18: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#19: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #20: in class soap_transport_http::send(" #21: in class soap_transport_http::getResponse()
#22: in class soap_transport_http::parseCookie("PHPSESSID=6c17mlvvlo818mf1o1faos8st3; path=/")
#23: in function split()
#24: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function split() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 2888, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function eregi() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 6775

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class webclient::exec("authentificate", array(2))
#17: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:6:{s:5:"login";s:6:"koroan";s:8:"password";s:6:"paswww";s:13:"exec_function";s:14:"authentificate"...")
#18: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#19: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #20: in class nusphere_soapclient::parseResponse(array(10), " #21: in function eregi()
#22: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function eregi() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 6775, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 5944

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class webclient::exec("authentificate", array(2))
#17: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:6:{s:5:"login";s:6:"koroan";s:8:"password";s:6:"paswww";s:13:"exec_function";s:14:"authentificate"...")
#18: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#19: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #20: in class nusphere_soapclient::parseResponse(array(10), " #21: in class soap_parser::soap_parser(" #22: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #23: in class soap_parser::start_element(resource(xml), "SOAP-ENV:Envelope", array(5))
#24: in function ereg()
#25: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 5944, array(10))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 5944

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class webclient::exec("authentificate", array(2))
#17: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:6:{s:5:"login";s:6:"koroan";s:8:"password";s:6:"paswww";s:13:"exec_function";s:14:"authentificate"...")
#18: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#19: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #20: in class nusphere_soapclient::parseResponse(array(10), " #21: in class soap_parser::soap_parser(" #22: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #23: in class soap_parser::start_element(resource(xml), "SOAP-ENV:Envelope", array(5))
#24: in function ereg()
#25: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 5944, array(10))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 5944

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class webclient::exec("authentificate", array(2))
#17: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:6:{s:5:"login";s:6:"koroan";s:8:"password";s:6:"paswww";s:13:"exec_function";s:14:"authentificate"...")
#18: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#19: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #20: in class nusphere_soapclient::parseResponse(array(10), " #21: in class soap_parser::soap_parser(" #22: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #23: in class soap_parser::start_element(resource(xml), "SOAP-ENV:Envelope", array(5))
#24: in function ereg()
#25: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 5944, array(10))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 5944

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class webclient::exec("authentificate", array(2))
#17: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:6:{s:5:"login";s:6:"koroan";s:8:"password";s:6:"paswww";s:13:"exec_function";s:14:"authentificate"...")
#18: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#19: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #20: in class nusphere_soapclient::parseResponse(array(10), " #21: in class soap_parser::soap_parser(" #22: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #23: in class soap_parser::start_element(resource(xml), "SOAP-ENV:Envelope", array(5))
#24: in function ereg()
#25: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 5944, array(10))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 5944

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class webclient::connect()
#16: in class webclient::exec("authentificate", array(2))
#17: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:6:{s:5:"login";s:6:"koroan";s:8:"password";s:6:"paswww";s:13:"exec_function";s:14:"authentificate"...")
#18: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#19: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #20: in class nusphere_soapclient::parseResponse(array(10), " #21: in class soap_parser::soap_parser(" #22: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #23: in class soap_parser::start_element(resource(xml), "ns1:_execResponse", array(1))
#24: in function ereg()
#25: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 5944, array(10))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 6692

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:4:{s:13:"exec_function";s:29:"get_default_constant_optimize";s:14:"client_version";s:3:"1.1";s:11:...")
#16: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #18: in function ereg()
#19: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 6692, array(4))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 2005

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:4:{s:13:"exec_function";s:29:"get_default_constant_optimize";s:14:"client_version";s:3:"1.1";s:11:...")
#16: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #18: in class soap_transport_http::soap_transport_http("")
#19: in function ereg()
#20: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 2005, array(2))

Debug Msg

"Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 2347

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:4:{s:13:"exec_function";s:29:"get_default_constant_optimize";s:14:"client_version";s:3:"1.1";s:11:...")
#16: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #18: in class soap_transport_http::setEncoding("gzip")
#19: in function set_magic_quotes_runtime()
#20: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 2347, array(1))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 6714

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:4:{s:13:"exec_function";s:29:"get_default_constant_optimize";s:14:"client_version";s:3:"1.1";s:11:...")
#16: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #18: in function ereg()
#19: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 6714, array(5))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 2544

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:4:{s:13:"exec_function";s:29:"get_default_constant_optimize";s:14:"client_version";s:3:"1.1";s:11:...")
#16: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #18: in class soap_transport_http::send(" #19: in class soap_transport_http::getResponse()
#20: in function ereg()
#21: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 2544, array(5))

Debug Msg

"Function eregi() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 6775

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:4:{s:13:"exec_function";s:29:"get_default_constant_optimize";s:14:"client_version";s:3:"1.1";s:11:...")
#16: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #18: in class nusphere_soapclient::parseResponse(array(9), " #19: in function eregi()
#20: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function eregi() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 6775, array(3))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 5944

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:4:{s:13:"exec_function";s:29:"get_default_constant_optimize";s:14:"client_version";s:3:"1.1";s:11:...")
#16: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #18: in class nusphere_soapclient::parseResponse(array(9), " #19: in class soap_parser::soap_parser(" #20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class soap_parser::start_element(resource(xml), "SOAP-ENV:Envelope", array(5))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 5944, array(10))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 5944

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:4:{s:13:"exec_function";s:29:"get_default_constant_optimize";s:14:"client_version";s:3:"1.1";s:11:...")
#16: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #18: in class nusphere_soapclient::parseResponse(array(9), " #19: in class soap_parser::soap_parser(" #20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class soap_parser::start_element(resource(xml), "SOAP-ENV:Envelope", array(5))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 5944, array(10))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 5944

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:4:{s:13:"exec_function";s:29:"get_default_constant_optimize";s:14:"client_version";s:3:"1.1";s:11:...")
#16: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #18: in class nusphere_soapclient::parseResponse(array(9), " #19: in class soap_parser::soap_parser(" #20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class soap_parser::start_element(resource(xml), "SOAP-ENV:Envelope", array(5))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 5944, array(10))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 5944

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:4:{s:13:"exec_function";s:29:"get_default_constant_optimize";s:14:"client_version";s:3:"1.1";s:11:...")
#16: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #18: in class nusphere_soapclient::parseResponse(array(9), " #19: in class soap_parser::soap_parser(" #20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class soap_parser::start_element(resource(xml), "SOAP-ENV:Envelope", array(5))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 5944, array(10))

Debug Msg

"Function ereg() is deprecated" in /var/www/hottours/data/www/ on line 5944

#1: in class fvDispatcher::process()
#2: in class fvDispatcher::forward("news")
#3: in class fvFilterChain::execute()
#4: in class fvActionFilter::execute()
#5: in class fvLayoult::showPage()
#6: in class Smarty::fetch("main.tpl")
#7: in function include("/var/www/hottours/data/www/^72D^72DAF6E8%%main....")
#8: in function smarty_function_show_module(array(2), object(Smarty))
#9: in class fvModule::showModule("EXTTOURS", array(0))
#10: in function call_user_func(array(2), array(0))
#11: in class ShowcaseModule::showEXTTOURS(array(0))
#12: in class webclient::webclient(array(2))
#13: in class webclient::get_default_constant_optimize()
#14: in class webclient::exec("get_default_constant_optimize", array(0), 1)
#15: in class soap_proxy_541721444::_exec("a:4:{s:13:"exec_function";s:29:"get_default_constant_optimize";s:14:"client_version";s:3:"1.1";s:11:...")
#16: in class nusphere_soapclient::call("_exec", array(1), "", "urn:webservice/exec")
#17: in class nusphere_soapclient::send(" #18: in class nusphere_soapclient::parseResponse(array(9), " #19: in class soap_parser::soap_parser(" #20: in function xml_parse(resource(xml), " #21: in class soap_parser::start_element(resource(xml), "ns1:_execResponse", array(1))
#22: in function ereg()
#23: in function errorHandler(8192, "Function ereg() is deprecated", "/var/www/hottours/data/www/", 5944, array(10))

6 - 9
Costa Caribe Coral by Hilton 4  
10101010$ Подробнее
  • 15 ������ �� 8 ��./7 ���.
  • DBL - Superior
  • AI (��� ��������)
  • �������������� (DNK) 07:00
Costa Caribe Coral by Hilton 4  
9999$ Подробнее
  • 15 ������ �� 8 ��./7 ���.
  • DBL - Superior
  • AI (��� ��������)
  • �������������� (DNK) 07:00
Costa Caribe Coral by Hilton 4  
8888$ Подробнее
  • 15 ������ �� 8 ��./7 ���.
  • DBL - Superior
  • AI (��� ��������)
  • �������������� (DNK) 07:00
Costa Caribe Coral by Hilton 4  
7777$ Подробнее
  • 15 ������ �� 8 ��./7 ���.
  • DBL - Superior
  • AI (��� ��������)
  • �������������� (DNK) 07:00
Costa Caribe Coral by Hilton 4  
6666$ Подробнее
  • 15 ������ �� 8 ��./7 ���.
  • DBL - Superior
  • AI (��� ��������)
  • �������������� (DNK) 07:00
Costa Caribe Coral by Hilton 4  
5555$ Подробнее
  • 15 ������ �� 8 ��./7 ���.
  • DBL - Superior
  • AI (��� ��������)
  • �������������� (DNK) 07:00
Costa Caribe Coral by Hilton 4  
4444$ Подробнее
  • 15 ������ �� 8 ��./7 ���.
  • DBL - Superior
  • AI (��� ��������)
  • �������������� (DNK) 07:00
Costa Caribe Coral by Hilton 4  
3333$ Подробнее
  • 15 ������ �� 8 ��./7 ���.
  • DBL - Superior
  • AI (��� ��������)
  • �������������� (DNK) 07:00
Costa Caribe Coral by Hilton 4  
2222$ Подробнее
  • 15 ������ �� 8 ��./7 ���.
  • DBL - Superior
  • AI (��� ��������)
  • �������������� (DNK) 07:00
Costa Caribe Coral by Hilton 4  
1111$ Подробнее
  • 15 ������ �� 8 ��./7 ���.
  • DBL - Superior
  • AI (��� ��������)
  • �������������� (DNK) 07:00
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  • Черновцы
  • Мариуполь
  • Симферополь
  • Москва
На 6 - 9 Ночей  
  • 1 - 6 Ночей
  • 6 - 9 Ночей
  • 10 - 16 Ночей
Питание Любое  
  • Любое  
  • RO: Room only - только проживание (без питания).
  • BB: Bed & breakfast - проживание с завтраком.
  • HB: Half board (полупансион) - проживание с завтраком и ужином (завтраком и обедом).
  • FB: Full board (полный пансион) - проживание с завтраком, обедом и ужином.
  • AI: All inclusive (всё включено) - полный пансион плюс спиртные напитки местного производства.
  • UAI: Ultra all inclusive (ультра всё включено) - большой ассортимент питания, включающий полный пансион и спиртные напитки импортного производства.
«Туртесс тревел»
Напоминаем, что у туроператора «Туртесс тревел» документы в аэропорту НЕ ВЫДАЮТСЯ.
Поздравляем с Днем туризма!!!
Уважаемые коллеги!
Особенности работы пограничной службы аэропорта Борисполь
Сегодня состоится вебинар"Особенности работы пограничной службы аэропорта Борисполь".
Благодарим оператора «Любосвит»
ООО "Европа тур" награждается бесплатным туром в Черногорию!
Все новости