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Pryazovskyi State Technical University: International projects

Pryazovskyi State Technical University

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International projects

Cooperation between the Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine and European Union is carried out on the basis of the Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation signed between Ukraine and EU and under Tempus trans-European programmes in higher education. The bilateral programmes involve the EU partner and member countries, their administrative and management bodies, universities and institutions of higher learning ( The University is also a participant of the educational initiatives financed by the German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD.

Beginning with the year of 2000, PSTU is actively involved in implementation of international projects and is always on the look out for new opportunities in expanding this area of work.

The joint EU-Ukrainian projects are focused on implementation of today teaching technologies; developing, disseminating new methods for quality assurance and management of higher education institutions. Another aspect of project activities is boosting partnerships between universities and industry to reflect developments in industry and wider society in practice-oriented degree programmes.

Today PSTU is the member of the consortium in two Tempus projects: WENET 158739-TEMPUS-DE-TEMPUS JPHES WeNeT (Bilorus, Ukraine and Georgia) and PROMENG 510920-Tempus-1-2010-1-De-Tempus-JPCR ยป (Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine)

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Engineering and Pedagogical Faculty
  • Faculty of Information Technologies
  • Faculty of Metallurgy
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
  • Faculty of Welding
  • Faculty of Transport Technologies
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Power Engineering
  • Faculty of Engineering and Language Training for International Students
Pryazovskyi State Technical University © 2011