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Yuriy Fedkovych
Chernivtsi National University,
2 Kotsjubynskyi Str.
Chernivtsi 58012, Ukraine
Tål. +380-372-526235,
Fax +380-372-552914,

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Yuriy Fedkovych
Chernivtsi National University,
2 Kotsjubynskyi Str.
Chernivtsi 58012,
Tål. +380-372-526235,
Fax +380-372-552914,


The College of Philology

The College offers 4-year (Bachelor degree) and 5-year (Specialist and Master degree) programs (full-time, part-time and external):

  • Philology
  • Ukrainian Language and Literature
  • Ukrainian Language and Literature (for Schools with Romanian major)
  • Romanian Language and Literature
  • Russian Language and Literature
  • Philology (World Literature and Theory of Literature)
  • Translation (Ukrainian - Russian)
  • Journalism

The Faculty numbers nine full professors, about fifty associate professors and over twenty assistant professors.

There are six departments of Modern Ukrainian; History and Culture of Ukrainian; Ukrainian Literature and Journalism; World Literature and the Theory of Literature; Slavic Philology and Comparative Literary Studies; Romanian and Classic Philology.

The Department of Modern Ukrainian does research in socio-cultural and communicative aspects of the functioning and development of language units, and phonetics, lexicology, dialect studies, grammar, text linguistics, communicative pragmatics, interlanguage interference, and linguistic cognitology.

The Department of History and Culture of the Ukrainian Language does research in: the history of the literary Ukrainian language in Bukovyna; functional grammar; Ukrainian phraseology; language culture and stylistics; language pragmatics, Slavic studies, cognitive linguistics, and language culture studies.

The Department of Ukrainian Literature does research in literary and folklore process in Bukovyna and Ukrainian literature of XIX-XX c., journalism, genre history, traditional image history, traditional image transformation in national literature, and poetic language.

The Department of Slavic Philology and Comparative Literary Studies does research in the categories of tradition and innovation in Slavonic and Western European cultures.

The Department of World Literature and Theory of Literature does research in traditional mythological, folklore and historical subject-matter in modern literature.

The Department of the Romanian and Classical Philology does research in comparative study of dialects, folklore and the literature of Romanian/Moldovian-speaking people of Ukraine; Romanian-Ukrainian language, literary and folklore links.

The undergraduates and graduates can improve their skills in the Stepan Budny Literary Studio and other amateur clubs.


Borys I. Bunchuk,
D.Sc. (Literature), Professor

Office Address:

2 Kotsiubynsky Str.,
Chernivtsi 58012, Ukraine
tel.: (0372)58-48-46,
e-mail: clg-phil>Ði@%†§}

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