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History of Ukrgasbank — Ukrgasbank



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About the Bank

History of Ukrgasbank


On July 21, 1993 the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) registered the CJSB ‘Hadjibei’ bank under No. 183.

In 1993 CJSB ‘Hadjibei’ bank was created and registered.


In 1995 new directors of JSCB CJSB ‘Hadjibei’ bank determines the following strategic objectives:

 - universalisation of banking services;
 - stable profitability;
 - leading place on services provided for national economy;
 - high quality of banking services;
 - high level of competitiveness.

To achieve new banking development strategy share capital was increased to Karbovanets 100 bn. As a result, the Bank implemented second issuance of company’s shares. The Bank’s head office moved from Odessa to Kyiv, with Odessa branch being established. The Bank was renamed in JSB ‘Intergasbank’.

Active commercial and financial activity was launched. Ensuring qualitative and operating services for customers, program complex ‘Customer-Bank’ was developed.


In 1996 the Bank changed its name to JSB ‘UkrGasBank’. The Bank obtained the license of the NBU entitling to perform transactions with currency valuables. The Bank installed Reuters terminals and started to use its information in everyday activity.


In 1997 the Bank actively integrated to Ukrainian gas complex: among bank customers are the following power gas suppliers – State Joint Stock Holding Company ‘Ukrgas’, CJSC ‘Intergas’ and others. To raise reliability and solvency as well as capital adequecy, Bank’s capital share was increased up to UAH 2.3 mln.

The Bank was reorganized into Open Joint Stock Bank ‘UkrGasBank’ with the following founders: SJSHC ‘Ukrgas’, JSC ‘Kyivoblgas’, JV ‘Argo’ and others.   On July 24, 1997 the Bank obtained General license No.123 entitling to effect banking transactions.

The Bank became a member of Ukrainian Interbank Currency Exchange (UICE). International auditing company ‘Deloitte & Touche’ was first engaged by the Bank to audit its financial results according to international standards.


In 1998 the biggest companies of fuel and energy complex supplemented the customer base. For example, National JSC ‘Naftogas Ukraine’, the company No.1 in oil and gas industry of Ukraine, became the Bank’s client.

Bank’s share capital was increased up to UAH 7.05 mln.

Active diversification of the Bank’s services was launched in regions. In November 1998 JSC 'UkrGasBank' initiated affiliation of JSCB Service (Uzhgorod).

The Bank obtained permit of the NBU to transport cash values and collect cash funds.   The Bank became a member of the ‘Association of Ukrainian banks’ (AUB).


In 1999 the Bank accomplished affiliation procedure of ‘Service’ Bank, which was re-organized into the branch and carried out the third issue of shares. Share capital of the Bank was increased up to UAH 13.95 mln. Banking license was expanded: the Bank received the right to attract and place foreign currency on the international markets.

With a view to provide diversified services for customers engaged in foreign economic activity, the Bank began to perform conversion and arbitrary operations with foreign currencies.

The Bank acquired ‘Ukrnaftogasbank’ which had a network of branches in different regions of Ukraine. This allowed to attract new clientele and to improve Bank’s positions in regions. General number of branches increased to nine.


In 2000 in the light of conception focused on universalization of banking services the Bank issued ‘Energia’ local payment cards that allowed implementing salary projects for the most significant Bank’s clients.

On September 28, 2000 the Bank became a principal member of the Europay International Association and issued its own EuroCard/MasterCard international payment cards. Regional branches were established in cities of Sumy, Poltava and Boryspil. As a result, the number of the Bank’s branches increased to 12.

In August 2000 the Bank expanded license entitling to perform currency transactions on international markets.

The Bank started offering individual deposit safes for rent.

To assure good financial standing and protect clients’ interests the Bank carried out the fifth issue of shares and increased share capital up to UAH 36.567 mln.


In 2001 the Bank changed its official name to Open Joint Stock Bank ‘UkrGasBank’. With the view to expand a range of services the number of 'UkrGasBank' regional institutions in Ukraine was enlarged to 40. The Bank received status of financial manager and agent on attracting investments to the ‘Eurocar’ project.


In 2002 the Bank expanded its presence on the market. Five new branches began working in the cities of Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kyiv, Rivne, and Kharkiv. At the end of the year 2002, 17 branches and 34 off-balance outlets operated in 13 regions of Ukraine.

Taking into account dynamic development and increase in Bank’s assets and liabilities as compared with other Ukrainian banks, Commission on Banking Supervision and Regulation took decision to include 'UkrGasBank' into the group of large banks. In April 2002, in light of election of Ukrainian People’s Deputy from Solomenskiy district of Kyiv, Vasyl M. Gorbal became Honorary President of OJSB 'UkrGasBank'.

OJSB ‘UkrGasBank’ is one of the most successful and developed financial institutions in Ukraine. During its 13-year history ‘UkrGasBank’ proved to be one of the leaders at the Ukrainian banking market. We firmly hold our position ranking among the 20 top banks in our country. The Bank introduced to new services both on domestic and international markets. This reflects ‘UkrGasBank’ increase of business reputation, basic financial results and customer base. Following its successful development, the Bank constantly expands its activity through both an increase in volumes and range of banking services as well as due to territorial expansion.

The Bank continued its territorial expansion: a new branch was established in Kamenets-Podilskiy. The Bank was an active player on the securities market of Ukraine. Within a short period, bonds of CJSC ‘Druzhba narodiv Nova’ were placed with investors. The Bank issued Visa International payment cards. At the end of July the issued cards amounted 10 thousand. This year the Bank obtained World Bank tender on financing project “Private business development”.


In 2004 the Bank’s share capital was increased up to UAH 120 Mio. Two new branches were established in Kherson and Ternopol and 29 offices started to operate in Kyiv and Kyiv, Lviv, Poltava, Sumy, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Lugansk, Rivne, Zakarpattia regions.


’UkrGasBank’ today

  • 17th place among 163 Ukrainian banks (according to the National Bank of Ukraine ratings);
  • As of 01.11.2005 UAH 2080,5 Mio of net assets;
  • Loan portfolio is up to UAH 1724,6 Mio;
  • 115 branches and outlets in Ukraine;
  • More than 1500 employees service approximately 220 000 individuals and businesses in Ukraine;
  • 1345 ATMs and POS-terminals (including partners) in UkrCard network; 
  • More than UAH 16 bn. investments into Ukrainian economy;
  • More than 12 200 corporate customers: ‘EuroCar’ CJSC, ‘Mironovsky Hleboproduct’ CJSC, ‘Eximnefteproduct’ OJSC, ‘RosUkrEnergo’ Ltd., ‘Argo-trading network’ Ltd., ‘Formula Motor Ukraine’ CJSC, ‘Trest Kyivmiskbud-1’ CJSC, ‘Kyivbud’ Ltd. and others;
  • More than 230 000 international payment cards were issued (MasterCard and Visa International).



As at 31 December 2009

Ukrgasbank’s rankings by the Association of Ukrainian Banks are as follows:

  • 18th by total assets
  • 17th by shareholders’ equity   
  • 18th by  loan and investment portfolio

On 30 December 2009 the majority shareholder – Ministry of Finance of Ukraine – committed and fully paid up UAH 1.550bn (ca. USD194m). The issue was registered in February 2010.


As at 31 December 2010

Ukrgasbank’s rankings by the Association of Ukrainian Banks are as follows:

  • 15th by total assets
  • 15th by shareholders’ equity
  • 20th by loan and investment portfolio


As at 1 June 2011

Ukrgasbank’s rankings by the Association of Ukrainian Banks are as follows:

  • 16th by total assets
  • 18th by shareholders’ equity
  • 19th by loan and investment portfolio
  • 15th by retail deposits portfolio

Ukrgasbank is one of the largest Ukrainian banks measured by the shareholders’ equity. After capital injection of UAH 4.3 billion on July 5, 2011, total share capital amounts to UAH 10 billion. The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine stake of Ukrgasbank amounts to 93%. At 1 July 2011 Ukrgasbank reported total assets of UAH 17.213 billion in accordance with Ukrainian Accounting Standards and is in the top 15 largest banks in the country measured by total assets.

Ukrgasbank is a fully-scale universal bank with a focus on corporate clients. Loans to corporate customers comprise over 70% of the loan portfolio. As of the 2Q2011 the total loan portfolio amounts to UAH 12.457 billion that is 18% increase starting from the beginning of 2011. By the end of 2011 we are planning further growth of the loan book by additional 20%.

Also the Bank’s deposit-taking franchise has been significantly recovered. At 1 July 2011 the deposits of individuals amounted to UAH 4.4 billion and corporate customers’ deposits - UAH 1.2 billion accordingly.

Ukrgasbank has a nation-wide network coverage represented by 254 points of sale in all 25 regions of Ukraine.

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