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Kyivska Politechnika
The main project goal is the creation of intelligent energy-efficient eco-house (EEE) system single concept with the development of multipurpose and multicriterion EEE mathematical model.
Firefighting and rescue systems
Kyivska Politechnika
Firefighting and rescue vehicles for multifunctional appliance based on KAMAZ truck with a capability for a 15 ton fire-fighting inventory storage, rescue crank elevator from 18 to 58 meters (depending on purpose of application).
Gas and steam turbine system “Aquarius - 16”
Kyivska Politechnika
Gas and steam turbine system «Aquarius» is assigned for highly-efficient simultaneous generation of thermal and electrical energy on energy-generating facilities of living and manufacturing complexes.
Solar flat collector “Att-p-1,9”
Kyivska Politechnika
Solar flat collector "ATT-P" is assigned for water heating with help of solar energy.
Unmanned aircraft
Kyivska Politechnika
Unmanned aircraft is used for air observation and accompanying in real-time regime of immovable and movable objects. There may be day and night video and infrared cameras installed on board to search for different objects.
Protecting the user from side electromagnetic radiation
Kyivska Politechnika
The principal attention is drawn to the development and implementation of production and realization of computer machinery protecting users from side electromagnetic radiation.
New ultrasound cavitational technology of cloth cleaning and its realization equipment
Kyivska Politechnika
New ultrasound cavitational technology of cleaning is highly efficient in solid and adipose dirt removal from cloth that provides disinfection of cloth and used cleaning agent.
Dietary foods with health-improving, prevention properties
Kyivska Politechnika
The development of production technology for new dietary foods with health-improving and prevention properties.
Biological pipeline for water purification
Kyivska Politechnika
Purification technology for water with different pollution degrees.
Producing bio-active substances of microbe origin
Kyivska Politechnika
Based on selected by probiotic properties lactobacilli strains, a polystrain probiotic preparation with wide range of implementation was created.
Method of remote geoholographic mineral search and prospecting "Deep Vision"
Institute of Geophysics and Problems of the Earth
An effective geophysical method of mineral search and prospecting.
Pear gasification system
Kyivska Politechnika
The appliance is assigned for generation of electricity by mini turbo-generator, that is replenished by combustive gases from peat produced in gasifier.
Tubular technology of gas burning
Kyivska Politechnika
A low-cost and swift-payback burner for gas and turbine unit for industrial gas-pumping aggregate in gas main flowing plant has been developed.
Heat exchange surfaces for solving energy preservation tasks
Kyivska Politechnika
It is the implementation of new types of developed convectional heat exchange surfaces with high heat and aerodynamic efficiency and manufacturability.
Contact waterheater
Kyivska Politechnika
Contact water heater CWH is designed for self-contained heat networks as a heat regenerating appliance.
Creation of educational segment for national GRID
Kyivska Politechnika
Project implementation will allow for creation of a national GRID-infrastructure and for its integration into European GRID-infrastructure, EGEE (Enabling Grids for E-sciencE).
Kyivska Politechnika
A microsatellite is designed for holding fundamental scientific research in ionosphere physics and development of circumterrestrial space monitoring methods.
Space rocket, airspace rocket complex, space clipper, ruslan aircraft, commercial space rocket, airborne space system, commercial space business, airborne space complex.
Space Clipper airspace rocket complex is aimed at delivery of various spacecraft weighing from 50 kg up to 500 kg to circular and orbits up to 1200 km high.
Дом, дача, база отдыха, коттеджные поселки и т.д. по Канадской технологии от 130 у.е.м2
Servus Odessa
Subaru Center Alfa
Credit program Subaru.
Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University
The estimation of state and level of disturbance of the transformed ecosystem on the basis of its development in a historical space. Working out of actions for optimisation of natural systems and creation of sustainable artificial ecosystems
Purification of metallurgical grade silicon
New technology of purification MG-Si up to solar grade by floating-zone melting in special conditions
industrial floors
BK Maximum
Consulting and business plans development
Inforce L.T.D.
Development of budgeting and planning models for enterprises
Inforce L.T.D.
Providing complete efficient business solutions
Inforce L.T.D.
Providing complete efficient business solutions; automation of enterprise management and accounting; rollout of business automation products based on “1C:Enterprise” platform; development of budgeting and planning models for enterprises
Two-way Transducer (Sensor-Actuator) of the Electric Flow of Arbitrarily Origin (TCT)
Application of the nanoFETs in the reverse connection, passing the electrons and ions through CNT, connection of a pickup coil to SuFET by the nanowires, and vice versa control the (bio)signals by the artificial signals.
Press Hardening
AP&T — One Responsible Partner®
Complete press hardening lines for the automotive industry together with world leading knowledge in complete press hardening lines.
Desktop milling machine frame layout with parallel kinematics mod. НФС-ПК1
Kyivska Politechnika
Developing of gas carriers of the new generation for compressed gas transportation with the use of scientific and technological potential of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) of Ukraine
Kyivska Politechnika
The concept of the compressed gas transportation technology by means of gas carriers of the new generation.
Creation of Technical Means of the CNG Marine Transportation with the Use of Scientific and Technological Potential of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) of Ukraine
Kyivska Politechnika
Concept of the compressed natural gas transportation technology on container vessels.
Technology of industrial machinery flow channels treatment
Kyivska Politechnika
Selection and development of constructions of the hydraulic flow systems of industrial machinery in different industries.
Dynamics of railway vehicles
Kyivska Politechnika
Dynamic response, stability of motion, stress-strain-state of railway vehicles elements at service and accidents.
Technology of Computational Substantiation of Project Parameters of Complex Hydraulic Systems
Kyivska Politechnika
Computer simulation of high-velocity hydro- and gas-dynamic processes in complex hydraulic mains.
Physical vapor deposition technique for protection surfaces
Kyivska Politechnika
Physical vapor deposition technique and technological plasma devices for protection causing of internal working surface of hydrocylinders.
Grinding of loose materials
Kyivska Politechnika
Gas jet grinding of loose materials with process parameter acoustic monitoring, giving the possibility to improve the quality of grinded products and increase technological process efficiency.
The Technology of combined energy working of constructional elements increasing their durability due to the excitation of self-organizational processes in constructional materials
Kyivska Politechnika
A complex energy load with the use of intensive sources initiates the self-organizational processes in materials with formation of dissipative structures changing their quality state causing to essentially increasing their durability ratios.
Vortex Dust Cleaning
Kyivska Politechnika
Technology of Fine Dust Separation from Gas Flow
Technologies for the Manufacturing of Antenna/Waveguide Devices and Solar Concentrators
Kyivska Politechnika
Multipurpose use of electroforming (current-induced crystallization of a metal from a super-saturated near-cathode electrolyte layer).
Ultrasonic Liquid Sprayer
Kyivska Politechnika
Ultrasonic liquid sprayers are meant for obtaining fine-dispersed aerosol.
Pneumatic system for driver seat vibration protection in vehicles of different types
Kyivska Politechnika
Radically new pneumatic vibration protection system with quasi-zero stiffness, which offers a far simpler and cheaper driver seat design and a three-fold reduction in driver vibration level in comparison with existing analogs.
Kyivska Politechnika
Supersensitive MagnetCardioGraphical(MCG) system used for early detection, accurate diagnosis and cardiovascular disease diagnosis.
Water treatment
Nature Technologies
Creation of clean water with technologies of the future.
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