/* ** Stylesheet with Internet Explorer-specific workarounds. */ /* */ * html #portal-columns { width: 100%; } * html*#portal-columns { width: auto; } input { margin-bottom: 1px; /* bug fix */ } table.listing td.top { /* insane IE row bug workaround */ position: relative; left: -1px; top: -1px; } div#portal-columns div.portlet { text-align: left; } div#portal-columns div#portal-column-one, div#portal-columns div#portal-column-two { overflow: hidden; } textarea { width: 97%; } .visualOverflow { width: 88%; } .visualGhosted { filter:alpha(opacity=20); } #portal-logo { height /**/: 57px; overflow: hidden; } /* Fix bottom margin on tabs in IE */ #portal-globalnav li.selected a { position: relative; } #portal-colophon .colophonIcon { height: 0px !important; height /**/: 15px; } .actionMenu .actionMenuHeader a { display: inline; } .actionMenu .actionMenuContent { top: 1.4em; } /* Calendar fixes */ .ploneCalendar { border-collapse:collapse; width:auto; height:1%; } .ploneCalendar td { width:1%; } .ploneCalendar .todaynoevent, .ploneCalendar .todayevent { position: relative; } .hiddenStructure { /* This is necessary to eliminate the 1px high object in the document flow in place of .hiddenStructure block objects */ position: absolute; } body { /* These work in IE only, changes the look of the scrollbar + textareas */ scrollbar-base-color: #dee7ec; scrollbar-highlight-color: #dee7ec; scrollbar-track-color: transparent; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: transparent; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #8cacbb; scrollbar-shadow-color: #8cacbb; scrollbar-arrow-color: #436976; } /* Holly hack to kill the Peekaboo bug in IE - details at http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/peekaboo.html "* html" syntax is added to hide it from IE5/Mac. ~limi */ #floatholder, #float { height: 1%; } * html .link-external, * html .link-external a, * html .link-mailto a, * html .link-mailto { height: 1%; } /* Fix for IE float bug */ * html .visualIEFloatFix, * html h1, * html h2, * html h3, * html h4, * html h5, * html h6, * html dd, * html .documentDescription, * html .visualClear, * html .portalMessage, * html .portalWarningMessage, * html .portalStopMessage, * html .system-message, * html #error-handling, * html .documentContent { height: 0.1%; } /* Fix for IE float bug - have to use the Limi Hack here, since the paragraph tag doesn't take nicely to the height hack above in IE. */ * html p { position: relative; } * html h1.documentFirstHeading { height: auto; } /* There appears to be a bug in some IE 6 versions that causes dashed borders to get positioned strangely (i.e. out of the portlet in this case), and to move about when scrolling. May be related to: http://mtiki.mmf.at/mt/archives/000011.html */ dd.portletFooter { border-top-style: solid; } /* Rounded corner workarounds for IE */ * html .portletHeader { height: 1%; } .portletTopRight, .portletTopLeft { top: 0px; } .portletTopRight, .portletTopLeft, .portletBottomRight, .portletBottomLeft { font-size: 1px; } /* fixes for the drop down menus */ * html #objectMenu.actionMenu .actionMenuContent li { height: auto; } /* ** PROJECT SPECIFIC IE FIXES */ #portal-globalnav li a { padding-right: 3em; } #homepage-gallery-photo { width: 200px; } /* */