Tel./fax: (044) 289-7931, 289-6675, 230-8302, 230-8303
e-mail: trk@tv-radio.kiev.ua, http://www.trk-mag.kiev.ua
Teleradiocourier, Gaidara str., 27, studio 9, Kyiv, 01033

On June 21, 2006 Kyiv saw the first TRC Media Club (Teleradiocourier), attended by 164 Acting Members and Honorable Guests of the Club.

Just as we expected, the TRC Media Club proved to be an ideal format for business and informal communication among media industry professionals and the Club Guests, so the Fireplace hall, Bavarian bar, Winter garden and the Balcony (of the Restaurat complex EC "ACCO International") quickly and easily turned to a sort of sections and groups, where old friends met, new partners got acquainted, "quiet" business negotiations and loud presentations took place, proposals and ideas were voiced, joint plans announced...

The first TRC Media Club was prepared and held with the assistance of:
Sponsor of the first TRC Media Club - ComTel Company, one of the leading system integrators of professional video equipment!
Sponsor of the book action "Now I Will Love You" novel - the best gift to a Friend!" - INVID-PRO Company (professional and home video-, audio equipment and systems)
Technical support provided by:
Audio Master Company - sound technical equipment and conference systems
Digital Device Ukraine Company - plasm unitized video wall (INFINITE technology)

The first to appear at the Media Club were the filming crews of TV channels and television studios: TONIS, TV1 (TRC Zagrava), Ukrainian TV and Radio World Service, Kyivska Rus Television, TV agency Vikna... They say that these people were the first to feel the atmosphere of the Club - that it's nothing like the Supreme Council, you don't have to hurry or push around, this is a different rhythm and there is enough time for communication... (Albeit, you can only work in designated places...)

This time the most populated guilds and sections of the Club were:
TV and Radio companies:
5th cnannel, "Novyy channel", news TV channel "24", "TONIS", "TV1", World Service "UTR", "Kievska Rus Television", Ukrainian national TV and Radiocompany, "STB", "Ê1", Municipal TV and Radio company "Chernivtsi", Radio "Blysk" (Chernivtsi), Radio "Europe+Donbas" and "Autoradio" (Donetsk)...
Newspapers, magazines, Internet-media, news agencies: "Journalist of Ukraine", "Teleradiocourier", "625-Ukraine", "Raduga", "Commersant", "Kommentarii", "Uryadovyy kurier", "Sezony mody", "7+7Ya", "Zimnyaa Vishnya","Krasivaya usadba", "Metall", "Bulvar Gordona", "Chernigov week" (Chernigov), "Chas.UA", DAILY.UA, "Agro-Inform"...
Producers and distributors of professional video and audio equipment: "Palitra", "Audio Master", "Romsat", "REALMUSIC", "Invid-Pro", "Nesatec-Ukraine", ComTel, I.S.P.A.-Ukraine, Digital Device Ukraine, "Arrakis", Panasonic CIS OY office in Ukraine, "Audio Alliance (Vinnitsa), "Zinteco", "Television and communication systems", "Di-REX", "Engineer-service"...
Producers and distributors of film and television products: "TRK Agency", "1+1 Distribution", "Poverkhnist TV", "Open Society" studio, "Film Plus Production", "Int West Distribution", "New Donbas" (Donetsk), "Anata", ViaMedia, "Magnolia-TV", "New Television Technologies", "Advertising Television Group", "SICH-TV" (Zaporizhya), Volodymyr Khalyapin, Ò²À "Vikna", "Media Lux"...
Publishing houses and book distributors: "Biletskiye Workshop", "Perun", "Znannya", "Sofia", Kyiv library collector, Publishers' Forum, "Mystetstvo", "Elga-N", "Spalakh", SPC "Kartographia", "Vakler"...


Exclusive meeting with film director and author of novel "Now I will love you" Roman Shirman. Finally, film director, recognized artistic person in Ukraine, professor of Institute of cinema and television, author for Teleradiocourier magazine and author of textbook Directing Television Roman Shirman frankly and publicly spoke of why he wrote this romantic, ironic and touching NOVEL! (Read two first chapters from the novel at www.trk-mag.kiev.ua)
Roman also spoke of his literary plans and of his first full-scale fiction film with a working title "Toys of Evil Fate" , which will start filming in July this year.

Screening of documantary about Sergiy Paradzhanov "A DANGEROUSLY FREE PERSON" (directed by Roman Shirman). An important point: after the screening, loud ovations and public compliments the viewers actively asked: where can this film be purchased for a private video collection? And really, WHERE?

(Digital Device Ukraine Company)

After viewing the video clip about the novel of Roman Shirman, fragments of demo-video catalogue of competitive works of All-Ukrainian Television Festival "Discover Ukraine!" (2005), promotion clips of TV News Channel "24", and video clips of People's artist of Ukraine Anatoliy MATVIYCHUK on the plasma unitized video wall, this new product attracted attention not only TV professionals and cinematographers, advertisers, and businessmen, but also journalists and publishers... Perspective innovation!

"I would like to express my gratitude to Digital Device Ukraine Company for high quality of image! I saw film "A DANGEROUSLY FREE PERSON" on the screens of many festivals in different countries of the world. But today it is the first time I see such a high quality of equipment. Thank you very much! It is the real holiday for producer."
Roman Shirman, film director, Honoured worker of arts of Ukraine, producer

Contrary to absolute skepticism of cinematographers and publishers who know well a legendary artist and animator Radna Pylypovych SAKHALTUEV (and his iron rule to be not on get-togethers, but in a workshop), Honoured artist of Ukraine, author-artist of famous cartoons ("Island of treasures", "Doctor Aybolit'", " Captain Vrungel's Adventures "), magazine "Pepper", author of illustrations to a film "A Dangerously Free Person" and to the novel of "Now I Will Love You" RADNA SAKHALTUEV WAS PRESENT IN MEDIA CLUB "TRK"!!!
He even took the floor on artistic meeting with Roman Shirman and said that it was a pleasure for him to work over the first book of trilogy of novels. And he is waiting for its continuance.

Among other things Radna SAKHALTUEV has already given to the publisher the picture for the badge "Now I Will Love You"! Now he is busy with preparing for personal exhibition within the frames of autumn Media Forum-2006. And together with "Teleradiocourier" he is also making preparations for new publishing projects…

Diplomas "For disclosing new names in native literature to readers"!
"Teleradiocourier" Company and Ukrainian Media Union acclaimed about awarding the first partners of publishing project "Now I Will Love You" - bookshops "Znannya", "Syajvo", "Naukova dumka", "K. S.", "Elga-N" with diplomas "For disclosing new names in native literature to readers" …

Invitation to artistic meetings
Director of Kiyv library collector Taisa Vasylivna KLYASHTORNA extended an official invitation to Roman Shirman and publisher "Teleradiocourier" to meeting with readers at the library collector! (In autumn after shooting the film "Toys of Evil Fate".)

Deputy Editor of the newspaper "Chernigovskaya nedelya" Lydmyla Vasylivna PARHOMENKO invited the author and publisher to visit Chernigiv and to meet with colleagues and readers... (In autumn...)

TV and Radio companies which decided to tell about the book "Now I Will Love You" to their audience: "TONIS", "TV1", World Service "UTR", "Kievska Rus Television", Municipal TV and Radio company "Chernivtsi", Chornomorska TV and Radio company (Simpheropol), Radio "Blysk" (Chernivtsi), Radio "Europe+Donbas" and "Autoradio" (Donetsk)...

Borys Yuhymovych POBEREZHSKY, General Producer of "Magnolia-TV" TV Company suggested to place presentation materials about the book of Roman Shirman "Now I Will Love You" in site www.magnolia-tv.com (over 6000 site visits per day):

The first T-shirts with stained advertising illustrations to a novel "Now I Will Love You" were presented to the author of the book Roman SHIRMAN and artist Radna SAKHALTUEV.

For active participation in Book action: "Novel "Now I Will Love You" - the best gift to a Friend!" initiators and sponsors of this action were awarded with special diplomas and T-shirts with stained advertising illustrations from the novel. These are Volodymyr Khalyapin, cinema and TV production distributor and Olena Dedyaykina, director of "INVID-PRO" Company.

Anatoliy MATVIYCHUK, Ivan Franko National Award Winner, Andriy Malyshko Literature Award Winner, poet, composer, singer, journalist, People's artist of Ukraine:
" I was reading a novel and thought: the roman belongs to a kind of literature which is read fast, in trolley-buses, in a subway, in cars and it will enjoy popularity among so-called general (I don't know who made him "general") - reader!"

Meanwhile behind the scenes of the Club the main subject of lively discussion was the idea of holding the Second Kyiv International Media Forum (October 2006) as a ROUND TRIP DOWN THE DNIPRO (for example, Kyiv-Kaniv-Kyiv). The working schedule of Media Forum includes: Conference "Modern media market trends". Second conference "Technical decisions and technologies for TV & Radio industry". o DAYS of CABLE TELEVISION, including: Conference "Progress of technologies of delivery of the programs and new business-models of activity of providers of program service"; Training seminar for lawyers and chief accountants: "Features of economic and legal activity of providers of program service" o Exhibition of professional technical equipment for media industry. o Market of audio and visual (content) products for television, radio, cable TV o Sectoral seminars, presentations, master classes…

and Dmytro OMELYANYUK ( ComTel Company)

AND THERE WERE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE TELEVISION FESTIVAL "DISCOVER UKRAINE!"! WHAT KIND OF EVENT SHOULD IT BE IN FUTURE? AND PROPERLY SPEAKING, WHO HAS AN INTENTION TO BE A SPONSOR TO A NON-PROFIT TELEVISION FESTIVAL?ComTel Company), Contest of Studio TV Works, created by using professional studio light, lighting technologies and design.(founder - "Zinteco"), Award "For the most successful combination of creative skill and special technique" (founder and sponsor of prizes - "Di-REX" Company)…

May be, there is no use to hope for "free lunch"? Should those who want to DISCOVER UKRAINE and THEMSELVES put up money for Television Festival (if our native TV experts really need it) according to their possibilities, including TV companies and studios-producers? In that case the future will offer more serious prospects for THEMATIC contests, which are already announced in program-2006 ("Business information" o "Culture of Ukraine" o "Our history" o "Extraordinary contemporary" o "Famous names of Ukraine" o "Agrarian Ukraine" o "Industrial Ukraine" o "Tourist Ukraine"...). While holding financial negotiations with all prospective sponsors, organizers of Television Festival "Discover Ukraine!"-2006 admit any variant of the march of future events right up to changing the majority of announced Festival formats …

Friends make presidents' acquaintance

At last president of Forum of Publishers Oleksandra KOVAL and president of "Teleradiocourier" Company and president of Organizing Committee of Annual Kyiv International TV & Radio Fair Vasyl YATSURA got acquainted. It occurred that there were common friends (for example, Mykhailo Veysberg!), common plans: Teleradiocourier will take part in Forum of Publishers (Lviv, September) Forum of Publishers is invited to Media Forum-2006 (Kyiv, October)…
(All the rest - is not for printing. It a joke...:-)))

Director General of "NESATEC-UKRAINE" Company Valeriy KURIANINOV suggests putting into practice personal certificates for Acting Members of Media Club "TRK"…
Your opinion is significant!

In Media Club "ÒRÊ" YACHTSMEN met and found out common interest ³ âèÿâèëè ñï³ëüíå çàõîïëåííÿ:
- Oleksandr CHAYKOVSKY, deputy director in development, TV Channel ÒV1 (ÒRÊ "Zagrava")
- Yevgen CHMIL', head of the video decision department, "PALITRA" Company
(Unfortunately, Oleg KRUSHANOVSKY wasn't there...)
Who else is a yachtsman?
(I wonder, will be a guild of yachtsmen in Media Club "ÒRÊ"?)



Sergiy KVIT, Chairman of board of directors, Media Reform Centre,
Dean of the faculty, National University of Kyiv-Mogyla Academy

We are glad that TRK expands its interests and, as usual, it is one of the first who finds out and gives free pass to the most supernatural and talented one, who comes in view of TRK. Thank you!I feel highly honoured to be chosen as a member of Media Club "TRK".
(of course, it's damn pleasure).
Natalya KONDRATYEVA, Chief Editor, "Chernomorskaya TRK" (Simpheropol)

Congratulate you with the opening of the Club!
Great affair!
Mikhail Veysberg, director of Consulting Centre "Publisher&Editor"

Congratulate you with a great initiative - founding Media Club "TRK"!
Sergiy TOMILENKO, "Nova Doba" newspaper (Cherkasy)

Thank you!I feel highly honoured to become a member of Media Club "TRK". I wish Media Club long life, its members - good health and great success in activity!
Valeriy Vsevolodovych BOLTOV, Director General, "Ukrteleprovaider" Company

We are really lacking in human interaction…
Anatoliy MATVIYCHUK, Ivan Franko National Award Winner, Andriy Malyshko Literature
Award Winner, poet, composer, singer, journalist, People's artist of Ukraine

We will be glad to become members of Media Club "TRK"!
Collective of the firm "Media-lux"

It is always a great pleasure to have chance to meet with friends and interesting people!
Oksana PIDSUKHA, Chief Editor of "Merydian" magazine

Receive my congratulations on the occasion of founding Media Club "TRK.
Elena MISCHUK, PR manager, "ÒÅÒ" TV Company

Dear friends, colleagues, partners -"TRK" members!
Congratulate you with grand initiative - founding the Media Club "TRK"!
Wish you successful go-of!
Lyudmyla GUMENYUK, executive director of Media Reform Centre

Perhaps, first you should win the right to be called the friend and partner of "TRK", but that fact that I studied at the same faculty with the Honoured President of the Club is undoubted argument:-))
Larysa SHYDLOVSKA, trainer and consultant, UCAN


For information and proposals: trk@tv-radio.kiev.ua, (044) 289-6675, 289-7931, 230-8302 (03)

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