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Earth_Water_Mountain_Sky - Earth_Water_Mountain_Sky (Festival)
The Business center “Lemberg” site | УКР РУС ENG


Common information:

Information letter (365.2k)
Event program (331.3k)
Catalogue (3.43M)




27 September 2008 - 28 September 2008

Dear ladies and gentleman!

Exhibition centre «LEMBERG» pleased to invite you to take part in Lviv International Festival of services, techniques, equipment and accessories for active leisure and sport «Earth_Water_Mountain_Sky».

Idea: To popularize occupying sport and different types of active leisure.

Goals: To collect producers, dialers and traders of techniques, equipment and accessories for active rest and sport and to present their products to specialists and customers . Present wide range of active leisure types and sports as well as firms, that provides such services.

Main Festival themes:

Earth (paintball, pedestrian and speleo hikes, hunting, campsites, trainers etc.)

Water (rafting, diving, fishing, sail and yachts rest, aqua parks etc.)

Mountain (mountaineering, pedestrian hikes, MTB, ski, snowbords etc.)

Sky (gliding, baloons, parachutes, etc.)

Mountain, water, sky and earth – our best “friends” of rest!

In the modern world, to be successful you should work hard as well as be able to rest active.

Festival «Earth_Water_Mountain_Sky» - it is good opportunity:

For specialists

  • to familiarize with new models of products and market tendencies

For producers

  • to present the products tobusinessmen, specialists and customers.
  • to meet with the colleagues, partners, and find new.

For visitors (customers)

  • to familiarize with different types of sport and active leisure and with the producers of all needed equipment and accessories.
  • to familiarize with firms in the sphere of sport and active leisure, and services, that they provides.

For businessmen

  • to acquaint visitors, partners, with the services and products.
  • to familiarize with new prospects for the business development.

Businessmen and producers, representatives of state and local power, mass-media, scientific and sporting establishments, financial institutes, ecological and tourist organizations of Ukraine and foreign countries are invited to take part in event and business program.

For terms and conditions, partnership and sponsorship details please contact organizing committee.


Media support:






МІНІСТЕРСТВА України у справах сім'ї, молоді та спорту


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