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12.03.2010 Results of exhibitions


Results of the 8th National exhibition of agrotechnologies «Agroprom-2010»

The 8th national exhibition of agrotechnologies «Agroprom-2010» has taken place from February 23th, till February 25th 2010, in Dnepropetrovsk.
The organizer: Expo-centre «Meteor»
The partners: Dnepropetrovsk regional state administration, Association «Ukrainian club of agrarian business», «Ukrainian nut growers Association», Association «Union of mushrooms growers in Ukraine».
Duration: 3 working days
Place: Expo-centre «Meteor», street Makarova 27а, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.



Official opening has taken place on February, 23rd, at 11:00.


The official guests opening the exhibition:
• Shevchenko Anatoliy Vladimirovich, assistant chief of The Central administrative board of agricultural development Dnepropetrovsk`s regional state administration;
• Kravchuk Sergey Borisovich, the head of board of directors of Association « Union of mushrooms growers in Ukraine»;
• Pahno Vladimir Grigorevich, the president of «Ukrainian nut growers Association»;
• Lissitsa Alex, the president of Association «Ukrainian club of agrarian business»;
• Shevchyuk Maxim Vladimirovich, the general director «Agrovet Atlantic»;
• Sljusar Dmitry Anatolievich, the director of Expo-centre «Meteor».


The event was covered by the reporters of regional television channels, journalists of specialized business papers (35) and trade Internet sites (33).

Statistics of the exhibition:

Net space970 m2
Net indoor space732 m2
Gross exhibition space1110 m2
Quantity of exhibitors (on space)92 
Quantity of mass media (on space)15 
Quantity of exhibitors with remote participation
Quantity of mass media with remote participation20 
Total quantity of exhibitors132 
Quantity of visitors


 Thematic sections of the exhibition:
• Technologies of agriculture (plant growing, animal industries)
• Production of tractor and agricultural mechanical engineering, the minitechnician;
• Mineral fertilizers and chemicals;
• Technologies of processing of agricultural raw materials for food and light industry;
• Preparation of agricultural raw materials, its transportation and storage;
• A Professional training for agriculture;
• Building in agrarian and industrial complex branches;
• Consulting services;
• Perspective ideas for agrarian business 
• The Science, mass-media, branch actions

The analysis of participants of the exhibition:
Participants of the exhibition « Agroprom-2010» became 132 companies.










According to thematic sections:


Thematic section

Quantity of


Technologies of agriculture (plant growing, animal industries)25
Production of tractor and agricultural mechanical engineering, the minitechnician29
Mineral fertilizers and chemicals17
Technologies of processing of agricultural raw materials for food and light industry3
Preparation of agricultural raw materials, its transportation and storage2
A professional training for agriculture1
Building in agrarian and industrial complex branches6
Consulting services2
Science, mass-media, branch actions35
Perspective ideas for agrarian business12

 According to the regions:


Quantity of


Other regions of Ukraine                                                                             23

The analysis of the exhibition visitors: 
For 3 days of work, the exhibition «Agroprom» was visited by 3061 experts (the data is confirmed by the electronic registration of visitors).

Quantity of visitors by days:
1st day – 1275 persons
2nd day – 1289 persons
3rd day – 498 persons

Quantity of visitors by professional positions:
The head of the organisation – 40,2 %
The head of division – 9,1 %
The farmer – 18,8 %
The main expert of the organisation (the main agriculturist, the main livestock specialist, the main machine operator) – 8,7 % 
The expert – 8 %
The regional representative - 5,2 %
Owners of business – 5 %
Others – 5 %

Quantity of visitors by the types of enterprises:
 The manufacturer – 55 %
 Wholesale trade – 13 %
 Retail trade – 14 %
 Others – 18 %

Quantity of visitors by the kinds of activity:
Plant growing – 40,1 %
Animal industries – 11 %
Trade – 20,2 %
Services–15,3 %
Others – 13,4 %

Quantity of visitors by sex:
Male – 85 %
Female– 15 %

Quantity of visitors by regions:
The Dnepropetrovsk region – 78,3 %
Other regions – 21,7 %

Quantity of visitors by frequency of visiting:
Visited 3 times and more – 26 %
Recurrent visiting – 36,8 %
First time visit – 37,2 %

Quantity of visitors by days (in %):
1 day – 33,3 %
2 day – 52,2 %
3 day – 14,5 %

Sphere of interests (the most frequent inquiries about the exhibition):
Agricultural technics – 628 inquiries
Mini-technics – 404 inquiries
Spare parts, repair, restoration – 962 inquiries
Animal industries – 263 inquiries
Seeds, saplings – 1203 inquiries
The equipment (processing) – 504 inquiries
Agrochemistry (plant security facilities, fertilizers) – 1119 inquiries
Attendant/ alternative business – 302 inquiries


References of the participants to the exhibition «Agroprom-2010»:

Fadeev L. V, the director of LTD «Spetselevatormelmash»
The exhibition was organized on the high level. The activity of visitors was good. The major part of visitors were focused on agrosubjects. There were no casual gapers, this fact stimulated a productive dialogue with visitors. At times there was an impression that participants of the exhibition and its organizers are one big command with the overall aim and everyone`s productive work becomes an asset of others. There were neither difficulties at a stage of delivery and installation of equipment (dimensional and heavy for a stage exposition), nor at a stage of dismantle, export and loading.
The best assessment of an exhibition is the intention to participate in it in the future. With such intention we have finished participation in an exhibition «Agroprom-2010».

Kobtseva Ljubov Nikolaevna, the deputy director of LTD «Biotechnology» (Donetsk).
Our company is the largest manufacturer of domestic mycelium, in the market of Ukraine we are working more than 10 years. Usually we take part only in the international specialized exhibitions (for example, «GribEkspo» in Kiev). Despite it, we have made decision to show the production at a national exhibition «Agroprom-2010» which takes place not in capital, but in region. We hope that visitors and participants of the exhibition were interested by development of mushroom`s branch and we will find new partners. Participation in the exhibition has helped us to learn more about the condition of agrarian sector of our economy. All organizational activities of the exhibition have been carried out professionally. We hope for the further productive cooperation.

Lissitsa Alex, the president of Association «Ukrainian club of agrarian business».
The annual exhibition «Agroprom» is important, first of all, for landowners - representatives of East region of Ukraine, who may have difficulties with breaking out to Kiev for communication with their colleagues, for exchanging the experience and learning about new technologies and the technician. «Agroprom» develops every year and this year the project have already gotten the status national while in other big cities similar exhibitions have not changed their status and left- regional».


The business program of the exhibition «Agroprom-2010»:

1. Conference «Agrarian sector of Ukraine: improvement of technologies and business processes»
Organizers of the conference:
Expo-centre «Meteor», Association «Ukrainian club of agrarian business», the Dnepropetrovsk regional state administration, Agency «AgriEvent»
Circle of participants of conference: directors of the farmer enterprises; the main agriculturists, livestock specialists, engineers, agricultural technicians, machine operators, veterinarians; experts in sale and supply; technical experts.

2. A seminar «Effective pig breeding: from farrow to wean. Technology. Veterinary science. Genetics» 
The organizer:
«Agrovet Atlantic».

3. «Practical conference on pressing questions of agriculture of Ukraine»
The organizer:
Expo-centre «Meteor», «Spetselevatormelmash», «Biomass», «Ukrainian nut growers Association», Association «Union of mushrooms growers in Ukraine», «Union of assistance of development the green village tourism in Ukraine», «Demis-Agro».
Circle of participants of conference: directors of the farmer enterprises; the main agriculturists, livestock specialists, engineers, agricultural technicians, machine operators, veterinarians; experts in sale and supply; technical experts.

4. Conference «Development and prospects of nut business in Ukraine»
The organizer:
«Ukrainian nut growers Association»

5. Conference «The Condition and prospects of development of manufacture of agricultural crops in the conditions of 2010»
The organizer:
Institute of grain farming


The Expo-centre «Meteor» expresses gratitude to participants and
to visitors of the exhibition «Agroprom-2010»
Also we invite you to take part in 9th National
exhibition of agrotechnologies «Agroprom-2011».

Yours faithfully, 
Organizing committee exhibition.
Expo-center «Meteor», ltd
056 373-93-70, 0562 357-357




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