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Козырная Карта - Organization of events

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The Company Organization of events
15 years of experience
20 specialists
300 events to celebrate significant occasions
1000 details that make an event special

What makes an Event bright and memorable?
What makes us remember some events with awe and lose some among hundreds of others – dull and faceless?

We know what qualities an Event must possess to make people talk about it. To make them remember it. So that even with your eyes closed you can plunge into its atmosphere again and again. And the main thing is – we know HOW to do it. There are no such words as "no" and "impossible" for us. There always is a solution!

15 year-long experience of the USP staff and over 300 events created by our hands, heart and soul are at your service. Among them there are stylish, sophisticated SVIP-parties and giant concerts with an audience of many thousands people, high-profile presentations and launches of new brands, large-scale all-Ukrainian tours and prestigious high-society dinners, sports tournaments and fashion-parties.

Special attention should be given to private events – bright and unforgettable birthdays, touching and graceful weddings, merry and heart-felt New Year parties. All of them are very different – with its character, charisma and soul. But they are all united by one thing – plenty of thought-out details and nuances and the highest quality in everything.

We don’t use stereotyped solutions, each project is developed individually with consideration for your personal preferences, specialities and set goals. You won’t find any clones or duplicates among dozens of projects we have realized. Your Event will be only Yours!


  • Thorough attention to details and nuances will make your Event perfect.
  • Forethoughtful, careful attitude will help everyone to feel themselves long-anticipated and sincerely loved guests at your Event.
  • All special and unique features of your project will be taken into account and realized in the best solutions which are the most suitable for you.
  • Thanks to the constant monitoring of the appearance of technological innovations, know-hows and fresh trends your Event is sure to be up-to-date, fresh, surprising and forestalling the most daring expectations.

The Events organized and realized by our company are well-known firsthand. They speak for themselves. And many of them could be attended by you personally. These are the festivals DEJAVU (2005-2008), "Night of the advertising eaters" (1998-2008), KOZYRNA PARTIES (2001-2010), event for large international companies, brands and personalities – the list can be continued for quite long. Famous and successful, bright and exciting, sophisticated and refined – these adjectives can be applied to any of Events for our wonderful Clients. Join us!

Full cycle of event organization services:

• Idea;
• Concept;
• Script development;
• Copywriting;
• Graphic design;
• Scenic design;
• Directing;
• Booking of performers and artists;
• Audio accompaniment of the Event;
• Video-, photo-production;
• Light, sound, video installations, special effects;
• PR, media support of any scale;
• Consulting;
• Anti-crisis solutions.

Get familiar with us:  
Call: (044) 451-451-9




© 2007-2010 Kozyrnaya karta