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The Ukrainian Association of Press Publishers (UAPP) / Українська асоціація видавців періодичної преси

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The Ukrainian Association of Press Publishers (UAPP)

The Ukrainian Association of Press Publishers (UAPP)

General Information

The Ukrainian Association of Press Publishers (UAPP) is a leading voluntarily non-government and non-profit association of publishers - as periodic press (newspapers and magazines), so as internet information resources.

UAPP was founded in 2001, and at January 01, 2010 unites 98 members – press and internet publishers from all over Ukraine: 51 regional and 47 all-Ukrainian publishing companies (based in Kiev).

UAPP members together publish more than 350 different titles with different periodicity – from daily to quarterly and even annually. UAPP members combined average weekly circulation exceeds 15 million copies.

The higher body of UAPP management is the General Assemblages, which are held annually (mainly, at February each year). Board of Directors is elected by General Assemblages (for 2 years term) and President (similarly, once in 2 years, without the right of reelection more than to 2 terms successively). Board of Directors and President are appointing the General Director, who is leading the Executive management office of the UAPP.

Board of Directors and President are the highest strategic body of the UAPP management, and the Executive management and General Director are the executive body. Members of strategic body are working as volunteers, and members of executive body are working on a staff basis.

The President’s position now is holding by Oleksandr Antonets - since February 2009

The General Director of UAPP today is Oleksii Pogorelov since June, 2006.


UAPP mission & main goal

UAPP mission is to protect and to represent the interests of all publishers, to lead the industry’s development into a competitive, investment attractive business with professional management, high editorial standards and economic independence of all market players – to provide important conditions for political independence and to guarantee the Freedom of the Press in Ukraine.
UAPP main goal is to create favorable conditions for publishing business development in Ukraine.


UAPP Leadership

UAPP leads the industry in such important directions as:

- professional education;
- professional standards;
- professional ground for intercourse, meeting place for communication of close markets professionals;
- professional expertise, market evaluation and estimations, industry data collection and analisys
- industry lobbying;
- industry PR.


Contact information

Address of organization (postal): Mezhigirska str., b.22, office 20, Kyiv, 04071, Ukraine

Telephone / Fax: +38044-425-57-87, +38050-415-34-24

Web pages: ; ;


Alexey Pogorelov, General Director of UAPP



Dariya Vinnikova, Director on Execution of UAPP



Portfolio of UAPP grants and projects:


March, June 2007 – UAPP under support of mobile operator UMC organized 2 modules of project “School of quality journalism”


August 2007 - UAPP under support of Internews Network and International Renaissance Foundation (IRF) organized series of «round tables» with the purpose of practical consultation of periodic press publishers during pre-election period. «Round tables» were aimed at discussion of problem questions, passing on experience and knowledge transfer of publishing business activity in pre-election period, warning from main mistakes, giving legal advices on specific features of political advertising.


January – June 2008 – UAPP under support of project “Promoting Active Citizen Engagement (ACTION) in Combating Corruption in Ukraine” ( implemented the series of trainings - Project «Increase of attractiveness of journalistic investigations usage in practice of modern Ukrainian mass-media». Main goal – popularization of investigative journalism type of writing in practice of modern Ukrainian mass-media. During January- June  2008 series trainings “Journalistic investigation as type of writing. Management role” visited more than 115 owners of publishing houses, editors and TV producers from all over Ukraine.


February 2008 – UAPP and All-Ukrainian Trade Union "Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine"

under support of OSCE  project co-ordinator  in Ukraine carried out a project «Recommendations development for the work measurements and qualifying requirements for the print media industry».


March 2008 – UAPP under support of International Renaissance Foundation (IRF) published and distributed book for municipal mass-media - «Reforming of national and municipal newspapers. Practical advices of passing on self- financing».


June – December 2008 – UAPP under support of International Renaissance Foundation (IRF) executed complex of works on the project «Assistance to providing of transparency and legality of public authorities activities in the field of print mass-media and accordance of activity of print mass-media to the high standards of journalism».

Project purpose - legal and practical help to the publishers, editors and journalists of print mass-media in obtaining access to official information. Services which were given within the framework of project – consultation on a legal hot line, issue of legal bulletin, collection and support of library on legal matters on site of


September 2008 – February 2009 – UAPP under support of project “Promoting Active Citizen Engagement (ACTION) in Combating Corruption in Ukraine” ( began implementation of new cycle of works on the project of «Increase of attractiveness of journalistic investigations usage in practice of modern Ukrainian mass-media».

During September 2008 – February 2009 within the framework of project have been and will be executed next activities: master-class of Natalia Ligacheva (Telekritika), three visits to media-companies, practicing journalistic investigations, six online-conferences with editors-investigators on website, created the professional forum for editors, the series of translations, materials of authors and practical examples will be done on the subject of journalistic investigations.


October 2008 - UAPP under support of Coca-Cola Company in Ukraine conducted first module of project University of Journalistic Mastery”. 20 journalists from 12 Ukrainian cities took part in first module. Competition was 3 persons for 1 place. Theme of the first training module was «Modern journalism. World experience, Ukrainian realities and way to professional development». A trainer of the first module was Zoya Kazanzhi. Also in program - master-classes from Sergey Rakhmanin (Dzerkalo Tizhnya) and Olga Chumak (Coca-cola).


December 2008 - December 2009 – UAPP under support of representative office of International Media Support (IMS) in Ukraine founded a particular branch association of publishing companies media lawyers - Legal Media Committee (LMC). The main task of LMC is an exchange of experience, provision of expert information, common decisions on legal questions, lobbying. Every meeting has special topic. Sessions of LMC are held 1 time per month.


June – November 2009 – UAPP under support of Fund of development of Ukrainian mass-media the USA Embassy in Ukraine executes a project «Modern strategies of publishing business for regional publishers» - series of the two-day trainings for the employees of regional media companies. Task of the project was to give high-quality and professional education to 120 employees of regional mass-media. Subject of trainings - from anti-crisis management to professional skills of writing of interesting materials (copywriting).


September – December 2009 – UAPP under support of company JTI Ukraine realized web-project within the framework of which specialized portal for editors «Editorial portal» was developed and started to distribute useful information for Ukrainian editors and other media professionals.


September 2009 – May 2010 - UAPP and NAM under support of «U-media» project are holding the national competition among all types of mass-media, the purpose of which is to set and to reward the best examples of high-quality journalism and professional work in media sphere and widely spread successful examples.


October 2009 - UAPP under support of Coca-Cola Company in Ukraine conducted the second module of project University of Journalistic Mastery”.  20 Ukrainian journalists took part in the project.

Topic of second module – “ Practical skills of writing of interesting materials to reader. Focus on ecology, climate and corporate social responsibility”


November 2009 – August 2010 - UAPP under support of International Reneissance Fund (IRF) is realizing the project «Informatively valuable journalism: easily, reasonably, creativly» - series of the short-term trainings and master-classes for journalists and editors of mass-media, focused on the use of possibilities of analytical journalism, expert knowledge and information of analytical centers.