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United Nations in Ukraine - Success Stories - United Nations in Ukraine - Success Stories

Success Stories

This year sees the 65th aniversary of the founding of the United Nations (UN), at the end of World War II. We believe the United Nations has made a major contribution to peace, self-determination, the promotion of human rights and sustainable development throughout the world. UN activities have always focused on bringing about a decent life for citizens and our neighbours, friends and compatriots; the stories below show how the outreach activities of the UN Office in Ukraine have changed lives for the better.

A Window to the World for Visually Disabled People

It’s a common fact that people with visual disabilities live in their closed world, completely alien to individuals without disabilities. But when someone endeavors to help a visually disabled person not to feel inferior, then the boundaries between these two worlds disappear giving way to such project as ours– Horlivka “Typhlocenter – a Window to the World”, offering computer classes for blind people and people with visual disabilities. Yet another big issue for us, people with special needs, is an inability to study in a class for people without disabilities. It’s just not possible.

Happy Mothers, Happy Children

Before the Expanded Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (EBFHI) began in Ukraine, the statistics on the state of health of newborns were disappointing, and the standards of care for newborns were astonishingly inadequate. Mothers and infants were separated immediately after birth, and would see each other only for breastfeeding. The exclusive breastfeeding rate for Ukraine was only 6%. Family members were not allowed to be present during labour, invasive manipulation was widespread, and the proportion of postpartum complications was very high. The only way the situation could be improved was by changing the overall approach to perinatal care.

Small initiative can bring huge results

It often happens that a mere smile or a kind word instantly revives your spirits. It often happens that a small initiative brings about strong results. Just like a tiny seed planted in a good soil, it sprouts up and turns into a big magnificent tree which gladdens the eye. Teachers, parents and children of the Skalistoye school in Bakhchisaraysky district know this simple truth like nobody else. Four years ago, backed by the UN Development Programme, they planted a small seed – a project on reconstruction of the assembly hall, which has already born and continues to bear plenty of fruits...