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Auditing firm «KyivAudit». Vacancies
Audit Company Kyivaudit
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  • eng
Our high quality, professional and timely work
for your business success


There are openings for:


Requirements: under 50 years old, higher economic education; at least 5 years experience as a deputy chief accountant; knowledge of Ukrainian Accounting Regulations (Standards), IFRS, ISA, tax legislation; auditor certificate; certificates proving knowledge of IFRS (АССА, САР/СІРА and others); English is desirable.

Auditor’s Assistant

Requirements: under 30 years, higher economic education, motivation for studying, certificates confirming IFRS knowledge are desirable, advanced English at least.

Client Relationship Executive Director

Requirements: under 40 years, higher economic or legal education, motivation for studying, advanced English at least, interpersonal skills, ability to find a potential client.

English Translator (part time)

Requirements: under 50 years, higher special education, experience in translation of financial and economic texts into English, punctuality.

All applicants can send their CVs to:

Certificates, diplomas
Correspondence to the Requirements of Regulatory Bodies
Quality control