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Rewards of Global Marketing

  • You have ordered the Web site in different languages join the team of marketing winners.

Text translation, English, Russian, Ukrainian language

The Internet users buy three times more often, if the necessary information they receive on the native language

Today, global revolutions are under way in many areas of our lives: management, politics, communications, and technology. the world has assumed a new meaning, referring to boundless mobility and competition in social, business, and intellectual arenas.

No longer just an option, global marketing - marketing that targets markets throughout the world-has become an imperative for business. Managers must develop a global vision not only to recognize and react to international marketing opportunities but also to remain competitive at home.

Often a firm’s toughest domestic competition comes from foreign companies. Moreover, a global vision enables a manager to understand that customer and distribution networks operate worldwide, blurring geographic and political barriers and making them increasingly irrelevant to business decisions. In summary, having a global vision means recognizing and reacting to international marketing opportunities, being aware of ñ from foreign competitors in all markets, and effectively using international distribution networks.

Over the past two decades, world trade has climbed from $200 billion a year to over $7 trillion. Countries and companies that were never considered major players in global marketing are now important, some of them showing great skill.

Today, marketers face many challenges to their customary practices. Product development costs are rising, the life of product is getting shorter, and newer technology is spreading around the world faster then ever. But marketing winners relish the pace of change instead of fearing it.

As the world grows smaller economically or otherwise, the likelihood that you will have contact on the job with people from other countries, increases.

Our client have understood the profitability of such approaches; therefore they have ordered the Web sites in different languages. If you are ready to join the team of marketing winners simply click here to order the translation of your own Web site into Ukrainian, Russian languages or its developing. All remaining we will do instead of you.

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