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Consultations, failure, sales, price, product, promotion, place, technique
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  • System transformation of an enterprise
  • How the calendar meets requirements of marketing's principles
  • How to sell benefit
  • Creation of an accountancy


  • Marketing
  • Industrial Marketing
  • Marketing Research
  • Pricing Concepts

Directions of consultations of the consulting firm «Technologies of Sustainable Development»

Director of informational-educational center "LASPI" Tamara Chodurska acquaints with the result of analysis of the accounting.

Experience of cooperation with the enterprises, which operates in Poltava and Kiev demonstrates that the problems of the majority of firms, related to the increasing of sales of the goods and services, are concentrated on the three directions

Spheres of consultations

1. In marketing and marketing strategy (estimation of the target market, its capacity and prospects, competitors, usage of tools of marketing such as: price, product, promotion and place);

2. In management (planning, control and assessment of works of staff of marketing subdivisions);

3. In technique of sales (lack of knowledge of staff about properties of the products and services, their advantages in comparison with the analogues produced by the competitors; lack of skills of the two-way communications; lack of knowledge verbal and nonverbal signals; lack of skill of identifying wants and needs both external and internal client, lack of skill of selling benefits and solving problems of the client).

In order to avoid of failure and finding oneself in the sad section of statistics, about which one the speech went on the one page of this site, the independent and regular learning of the environment, purposes, strategies and activity of the company is necessary. the purpose of this analysis is to find problems possibilities to solve them, next developing of plan of improving of firm’s operation and its profitability. In other words, it is necessary to conduct the marketing audit (analysis of the internal and external marketing environment of the firm). During daily activity it is possible to do this audit by forces of the own experts, but the full and objective analysis is possible only on conditions that consulting firm will have been engaged.


Considering the management we notice that managing a business requires dedication, persistence, the ability to make decisions and the ability to manage both employees and finances. Management, along with marketing financial management, sets the foundation for and facilitates the success of any business.

Like plants and equipment, people are resources - they are the most valuable asset a business has. We also notice that employees and staff play an important role in the total operation of business. Consequently, it's imperative that you know what skills you possess and those you lack since you will have to hire personnel to supply the skills that you lack. Additionally, it is imperative that you know how to manage and treat your employees. We advice to make them a part of the team, to keep them informed of, and to give their feedback regarding, changes. We assert and prove by giving of examples hat employees oftentimes have excellent ideas that can lead to new market areas, innovations to existing products or services or new product lines or services, which can improve overall competitiveness of any business.


We have been assorting to our clients, that marketing must play a vital role in successful business ventures. How well corporation market its business, along with a few other considerations, will ultimately determine their degree of success or failure. the key element of our consultation is to demonstrate on real examples and to prove a necessity of developing successful marketing strategy, importance to know customers - their likes, dislikes, and expectations. We can help in process of identifying these factors, can help to develop a marketing strategy that will allow your firm to arouse and fulfill their needs. We have been participating in develop a marketing plan for your business. This marketing plan must contain answers to the questions outlined below.

  1. Who are your customers? Define your target market(s).
  2. Are your markets growing? steady? declining?
  3. Is your market share growing? steady? declining?
  4. Are your markets large enough to expand?
  5. How will you attract, hold, increase your market share? Besides, how will you promote your sales?
  6. What pricing strategy have you devised?

Advertising and Public Relations

A Advertising and promotion goods and services may make or break any business. Having a good product or service and not advertising and promoting it are like not having a business at all. Many business owners operate under the mistaken concept that the business will promote itself, and channel money that should be used for advertising and promotions to other areas of the business. therefore, our consulting firm has been advising to consider advertising and promotions as the lifeline of a business and to treat it as such.

We constantly reminder to our clients about necessity to remember the more care and attention they devote to their marketing program, the more successful the business will be.

Financial Management

Sound financial management is one of the best ways for any business to remain profitable and solvent. Usually we have been recommending to our clients to consider financial management as the cornerstone of every successful business venture. We often must remind, that each year thousands of potentially successful businesses fail because of poor financial management. We can help to all business owners who are needed to identify and implement policies that will lead to and ensure that organization will meet their financial obligations.

To effectively manage your finances, we can help to plan a sound, realistic budget by determining the actual amount of money needed to open business (start-up costs) and the amount needed to keep it open (operating costs).

Business plan

Many new and potential business owners should develop the business plan, but oftentimes don't do it. We can help to you to create the body of the business plan, which one are divided into four distinct sections:

  1. description of the business;
  2. marketing plan;
  3. financial management plan;
  4. management plan.

Addenda to the business plan should include the executive summary, supporting documents and financial projections. All these with our support and participation you can perform without any troubles.

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