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Photo-exhibition «We make the world stronger»!
FOR THE FIRST TIME within the limits of the ANNIVERSARY exhibition "Mashprom-201... more...

OSKAR FRECH GMBH + CO. KG will present the production
OSKAR FRECH GMBH + CO. KG will present the production at the exhibition "LitEk... more...

for clients and partners of our company!... more...

Results of exhibitions
Exhibition results of the «Mirror of Fashion-Lviv-2010»... more...

«Mirror of fashion» in Lviv forms the subjects of the Championship of Ukraine ... more...

«Mirror of Fashions-Lviv-2010»
The competitions of hairdressers of Western Ukraine had started In Lviv!... more...

«Kharkov tractor factory» is among the exhibitors of «LitEx-
Next year «Ordzhonikidze Kharkov tractor factory» (HTF) will celebrate the 80 an... more...

«Mirror of fashion»
To get the novelties of the industry of beauty we go to the exhibition!... more...

«Mirror of Fashion-Lviv-2010»
The most fashionable hairdresses of summer will be shown at the exhibition... more...

The stand of the Ukrainian moulding on «LitEks-2010»
Within the limits of 5th International exhibition "LitEks-2010" along with indiv... more...

11.06.2010 «Kharkov tractor factory» is among the exhibitors of «LitEx-


Next year «Ordzhonikidze Kharkov tractor factory» (HTF) will celebrate the 80 anniversary. Despite respectable age, the enterprise shows enviable marketing skills and constantly searches for possibilities for a diversification its set of orders.

So, aimed at domestic market, HTF became the first participant of the collective stand of the Ukrainian manufacturers of moulding at 5th International exhibition «LitEks-2010» in Dnepropetrovsk. Representatives of factory are ready to prove to customers high competitiveness of procuring manufacture HTF which includes steelmaking, iron, forge and thermal shops.

«Last year, – the assistant of main metallurgist of HTF Maslennikov Sergey Nikolaevich announced – we placed the advertising materials at the stand of our partners from company «Union-moulding «. Though we didn’t have a separate stand, the exhibition «LitEks» has passed productively for us, we have found potential clients. At the same time we have no possibility to have an effective communication, to show all products. Exhibiting at the collective stand of the Ukrainian manufacturers is the following step before high-grade participation in an exhibition in 2011. Taking part in the exhibition in this way, we wish to show that despite crisis, we continue to work and update our capacities. For example, more recently we have put the new equipment for the processes of laser and plasma cutting.

Certainly, we consider that participation in a collective exposition not only will spare our marketing budget, but also will bring to us perspective contracts. We hope that in 2011 we will accept visitors at our individual stand.

The short description of capacities and services of HTF you can find on the web-site www.xtz.ua





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