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Photo-exhibition «We make the world stronger»!
FOR THE FIRST TIME within the limits of the ANNIVERSARY exhibition "Mashprom-201... more...

OSKAR FRECH GMBH + CO. KG will present the production
OSKAR FRECH GMBH + CO. KG will present the production at the exhibition "LitEk... more...

for clients and partners of our company!... more...

Results of exhibitions
Exhibition results of the «Mirror of Fashion-Lviv-2010»... more...

«Mirror of fashion» in Lviv forms the subjects of the Championship of Ukraine ... more...

«Mirror of Fashions-Lviv-2010»
The competitions of hairdressers of Western Ukraine had started In Lviv!... more...

«Kharkov tractor factory» is among the exhibitors of «LitEx-
Next year «Ordzhonikidze Kharkov tractor factory» (HTF) will celebrate the 80 an... more...

«Mirror of fashion»
To get the novelties of the industry of beauty we go to the exhibition!... more...

«Mirror of Fashion-Lviv-2010»
The most fashionable hairdresses of summer will be shown at the exhibition... more...

The stand of the Ukrainian moulding on «LitEks-2010»
Within the limits of 5th International exhibition "LitEks-2010" along with indiv... more...

14.05.2010 The stand of the Ukrainian moulding on «LitEks-2010»



Within the limits of 5th International exhibition "LitEks-2010" along with individual stands will be organized the collective stand of the Ukrainian manufacturers of moulding.

The purpose of the organisation of the collective stand – to minimise costs of the domestic companies on participation in exhibitions.

Exhibiting cost at the collective stand – only 1470 UAH. Even if the exhibition will visit only 2000 experts, expenses for visual contact to the potential customer will not exceed 75 cop.

The place at the collective stand is equipped by all necessary outfit for work (a table, 2 chairs, the tablet-index, carpet, a waste-paper basket).

As for participation in the collective stand of the Ukrainian manufacturers of moulding address to the manager of the exhibition "LitEks-2010"
Evgeniya Popova,
t./f.: +38(056) 373-93-70;





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