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Mobile exhibition stands and equipment
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Mobile exhibition stands and equipment
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Photo-exhibition «We make the world stronger»!
FOR THE FIRST TIME within the limits of the ANNIVERSARY exhibition "Mashprom-201... more...

OSKAR FRECH GMBH + CO. KG will present the production
OSKAR FRECH GMBH + CO. KG will present the production at the exhibition "LitEk... more...

for clients and partners of our company!... more...

Results of exhibitions
Exhibition results of the «Mirror of Fashion-Lviv-2010»... more...

«Mirror of fashion» in Lviv forms the subjects of the Championship of Ukraine ... more...

«Mirror of Fashions-Lviv-2010»
The competitions of hairdressers of Western Ukraine had started In Lviv!... more...

«Kharkov tractor factory» is among the exhibitors of «LitEx-
Next year «Ordzhonikidze Kharkov tractor factory» (HTF) will celebrate the 80 an... more...

«Mirror of fashion»
To get the novelties of the industry of beauty we go to the exhibition!... more...

«Mirror of Fashion-Lviv-2010»
The most fashionable hairdresses of summer will be shown at the exhibition... more...

The stand of the Ukrainian moulding on «LitEks-2010»
Within the limits of 5th International exhibition "LitEks-2010" along with indiv... more...




The Price-list for mobile exhibition stands and equipment

The Price-list for supports under the literature materials



  Mobile promo stand of Open Company "Vseslav-Lugansk".
Carrying out of promo events in the territory of Ukraine.
  The exhibition mobile stand of private enterprise "Angel".
15th all-Ukrainian exhibition of building and architecture "Fasad", 26.02-29.02 2008, Dnepropetrovsk. 
  Mobile promo stand ТМ "Musketeer".
Carrying out of promo events in the territory of Ukraine.
  Mobile promo stand Open Company "Rhodonite".
All-Ukrainian exhibition "Agroprom", 04.03-06.03 2008., Dnepropetrovsk.
  The exhibition mobile stand of Open Company "Areal".
5th all-Ukrainian specialized exhibition "Agroprom", 21.02-23.02 2007., Dnepropetrovsk.
  The mobile exhibition stand Open Company Parus "Areal".
5th all-Ukrainian specialized exhibition "Agroprom", 21.02-23.02 2007., Dnepropetrovsk.
  Mobile promo stand Open Company «Vital Ter».
Carrying out of promo events in the territory of Ukraine.
  The mobile exhibition show-window stand Open Company "Areal".
5th all-Ukrainian specialized exhibition "Agroprom", 21.02-23.02 2007., Dnepropetrovsk.

Exhibition mobile stand DPSII «Transport company«Jofan LTD.».
All-Ukrainian exhibition "Agroprom", 04.03-06.03 2008., Dnepropetrovsk.

  Mobile promo stand Open Company "Кlim".
Carrying out of promo events in the territory of Ukraine.
  The exhibition mobile stand of Open Company "Кrus".
13th All-Ukrainian exhibition of building and architecture "Fasad", 27.02-2.03 2007., Dnepropetrovsk.
  The exhibition mobile stand of Open Company "МVК".
15th all-Ukrainian exhibition of building and architecture "Fasad", 26.02-29.02 2008, Dnepropetrovsk.
  Mobile promo stand Open Company "Меоtidа".
Carrying out of promo events in the territory of Ukraine.
  The exhibition mobile stand of Open Company "ТPК".
14th All-Ukrainian exhibition of building and architecture "Fasad", 02.10-05.10 2007., Dnepropetrovsk.
  Exhibition podiums of Open Company "Ekoplaster".
15th all-Ukrainian exhibition of building and architecture "Fasad", 26.02-29.02 2008, Dnepropetrovsk. 
  The trading equipment of Open Company «Restaurant Dnepropetrovsk».
  The trading equipment of Open Company «Restaurant Dnepropetrovsk».
  The trading equipment of Open Company «Restaurant Dnepropetrovsk».
  The trading equipment of Open Company «Restaurant Dnepropetrovsk».
  The trading equipment of Open Company «Restaurant Dnepropetrovsk».
  The trading equipment of Open Company «Restaurant Dnepropetrovsk».
  Reception desk of Open Company "Аvizо".
  Reception desk of Open Company "Autoimage".
  Exhibition rack of Open Company "Agrosemservis".
  Reception desk of Open Company "Agrosemservis".
  Mobile promo stand of Open Company « Formula of success ».
Carrying out of promo events in the territory of Ukraine.
  The exhibition mobile stand of magazine «Training of personnel».
For participation in the exhibition.
  Mobile promo stand Advertisement agency «ENEM».
Carrying out of promo events in the territory of Ukraine.
  Mobile promo stand of Open Company "Vseslav-Lugansk".
Carrying out of promo events in the territory of Ukraine.
  Mobile promo stand of Open Company "Vseslav-Lugansk".
Carrying out of promo events in the territory of Ukraine.
  Trading rack of Open Company "Neftek".
  The exhibition mobile stand of Open Company "Promprogress-D".
15th all-Ukrainian exhibition of building and architecture "Fasad", 26.02-29.02 2008, Dnepropetrovsk. 
  The exhibition mobile stand of Open Company "Novobud-Dnepr".
15th all-Ukrainian exhibition of building and architecture "Fasad", 26.02-29.02 2008, Dnepropetrovsk.

Alexander Vasiliev
Head of the project «Stands. Trading - exhibition equipment»
phone/fax:+38 (0562) 353-103
e-mail: alex@expometeor.com,