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¹5, Tuesday, 17 2009
Test vesion

Faina crew received as heroes

The four months of life in antihuman conditions are over. The sailors have come home at last. The Faina’s crew have returned from Kenya to Ukraine on a special presidential airplane. On arrival, the sailors were first of all taken to the Feofania clinic for medical checkup and treatment. Yet some of the seamen refused to be checked up. They said they were not feeling very well and declined to reveal any details about their life in the pirates’ captivity. At the same time, one of the crew said that
  • European Union approach
  • Gas rips off masks
  • This week in history

History begins with documents

History becomes historical science when it transforms from a range of hypotheses, assumptions, and emotional statements into precise knowledge based exclusively on trustworthy sources and archival documents. In historical science these sources play the same role as experiments do in natural science. That is why every contribution to the Ukrainian National Archive is truly a good, early awaited event.
  • Professional leaves government
  • Ukrainian juggler Oleksandr Koblykov wins gold in Paris
  • General’s strategy
  • The policy of revenge and punishment

Young people need new role models

In January, Den’ published the article “Vasyl’s Day” by Serhii Stukanov, a PhD student at Donetsk National University. This marked the beginning of the editors’ direct participation in the Public Initiative for naming the university after its prominent graduate Vasyl Stus. Den’s journalists see this figure as an embodiment of a public and courageously uncompromising stand. In December 2008 Den’ and the Ostroh Club launched the Year of Vasyl Stus, staging Stus Readings at Ostroh Academy.
  • Why we need Vasyl Stus
  • What is the crux of Ukraine-Russia dispute?

Made not in Ukraine

I became a witness of one interesting situation in a clothes store. One girl came up to the shop assistant and asked to be shown a reasonably priced, decent, non-synthetic dress. The shop assistant advised her to go to a signature store for good quality items or to a second-hand store for a reasonable price. How did it happen that Ukrainians began to buy quality and clothes separately? Why is it so that for 17 years now domestic markets have been brimming over with junk and second-hand items, while
  • People need new heroes
  • Cancer treatment: when budget fails, charities help

“Some caliber”

Only 16 out of 68 contenders have been shortlisted this year for the National Taras Shevchenko Prize. Among the most interesting are Viktor Baranov for the book of prose Death in White, Pavlo Hirnyk for the collection of poems The Dawn Is Breaking, Viktor Hontarov for a series of canvases “My Gogol,” and the cycle of paintings “1933. Ukraine”, “Eclipse”, “Evil Years” and “1933. The Last Kobzar”, Kost Lavro for illustrating the classical works of national literature and monumental wall paintings based
  • Ukrainian books in Minsk
  • Three steps to spring

Eight decades of struggle

The 80th anniversary of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), being marked one of these days, is unlikely to draw too much attention. What is being hotly debated in Ukraine is the UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Amy), the OUN’s armed branch, Roman Shukhevych, who held various posts in the organization and even headed it, and Stepan Bandera, known as the OUN top leader. These subjects and personalities have their followers and adversaries. But the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists itself
  • They did something they did not desire

Diffusion of intellectual fields

If you picture a country as the human organism, the students are its blood, young blood capable of setting the whole society in motion. It feeds the pragmatic brain, the sentimental heart, and all the other vital organs. The condition of the entire organism, its ability to recover after traumas, and its capacity for returning to the normal condition all depend on the amount of nutrients carried by the blood.
  • Woolen beauty
  • A town of masters

Reading Five

  • Ukraine’s chance for modernization
  • Serhii VORONOV: The search for Byzantine amphorae was a risky experiment
  • Greek gift for the president
  • Ukrainian books conquer Karakum
  • Ukraine commemorates fighters of the anti-Stalin resistance


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