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NIC.UA - domains registration, renewal and transfer of domain names, domains support
Register domain right now:
enter name without www, without dots, select zone and click CHECK button!
what name?where?


e-mail support
10:00-19:00 on working days


24-Hour support,
price: 2,04 UAH/min.

landline phones: 2,04 UAH/min. incl.VAT*, mobile MTS 5,36 UAH/min. incl.VAT without PF*. Licences: AA #720056 issued 05.02.2004, AÁ #222843 issued 22.12.2005.

Domain names selection

Check more domains with a single click:
(Enter domains - one in each new line, separated with comma or space. Do not specify domain tld extension if you want to check name in different zones.)

Domain registration

To register a domain name, enter the desired name or a few domains in the field of a special verification form located in the upper part of our site on any page.

If the domain in question is available for registration, submit an order and pay for its registration. If the domain is unavailable, try finding an alternative name to register.

Domain transfer

To transfer a domain from another registrar, first you have to agree the transfer to LLC "Service Online" with your current registrar. (UA.DRS).

If your current registrar is not against transferring domain to us, enter your domain name in the field of a special verification form located in the upper part of our site on any page.

Confirm the initiation of transfer procedure.

Domain renewal

To renew a domain, go to your account and submit a prolongation order for domain needed. If the domain is not being in service by our company, you will first need to transfer it to us.

© LLC «Service Online», 2001-2010Software: Broodex™.