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Photo UKRINFORM daily breaking photo newswire from Ukraine and abroad, exclusive archive snaps, political and celebrity profiles



Press Center


Nations of the World

Business Ukraine

Integral Ukraine

Pension Reform


The Ukrainian National News Agency (UKRINFORM), successor of the UTA, BUP, UkTa, RATAU, over its 90-year history has passed a successful way from a small news service, which numbered several correspondents, to a powerful news agency, well-known in Ukraine and abroad. (Video) Presently, Ukrinform is cooperating with many foreign and world news agencies proceeding on bipartite agreements.
The Agency is headed by the Director General.
UKRINFORM is Ukraine's sole representative and a full-fledged member of the European Alliance of News Agencies and a member of the Black Sea Association of National News Agencies, presiding in it through May 2007.
The Agency's head office is situated at: 8/16 Bogdan Khmelnytsky st., Kyiv-1, GSP, 01001, Ukraine.
UKRINFORM runs a ramified network of its own correspondents and photocorrespondents in all Ukrainian administrative regions, and has its regional news offices in Donetsk, Lviv, Odesa, Simferopol and Kharkiv.
UKRINFORM's foreign correspondents promptly report from Germany, China, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Romania, Hungary, Uzbekistan, the Baltic nations and other countries.
UKRINFORM issues about 500 stories in Ukrainian, Russian, English and German and almost 200 photos every day. The Agency's informational products are widely represented in the Internet.
Bodies of government authority, diverse newspapers and tv/radio broadcasting companies are among UKRINFORM's subscribers, along with enterprises, organisations, institutions, firms and companies, as well as information users abroad.
Under international agreements with 26 foreign agencies, the Agency's news are furnished to ITAR-TASS (Russia), MTI (Hungary), TASR (Slovakia), TANJUG (Serbia), BTA (Bulgaria), Xinhua (China), BelTA (Belarus), ELTA(Lithuania), AzerTag (Azerbaijan), KABAR (Kyrgyzstan), foreign embassies in Ukraine and subscribers in the USA, Canada, Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Poland and Australia.
In 2007 UKRINFORM is supposed to issue a total of 19 types of informational products.
The server "UKRINFORM-NEWS" offers on-line free access to the sites:
"Nations of the World", "Business Ukraine", "Integral Ukraine", "Ukrinform Audio/Video", "BSANNA" and "Press Center".
The site "Nations of the World" has been established in close cooperation with foreign embassies in Ukraine, the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other authority bodies. Visitors of the site may get information about the planet, the world history and economy, the population and religions, international organizations and a lot of other information.
The site "Business Ukraine", the Agency's new resource, provides on-line business news and information about leading Ukrainian and foreign enterprises, their products, brands, business concepts, etc.
The site "Integral Ukraine" is an information . cultural resource, aimed at promoting spiritual unification and communication of the Diaspora and Ukrainians in Ukraine. It is a universal source of comprehensive and unbiased information about the life of Ukrainians in different parts of the world, their history, achievements and demands.
The site "Ukrinform Audio/Video" is a new resource of the Agency formed of its own audio- and video-files and leading Ukrainian-speaking radio-companies of Ukraine and foreign ones. It provides radio news and thematic programs.
The site "BSANNA" is a joint resource of the Black Sea Association of National News Agencies, which has been functioning since May 2006, it objectively highlights all spheres of the life and state of affairs in international information exchange, information and telecommunication technologies, is a forum for discussing topical problems and trends, characteristic for the information market and the world, as the whole.
The site "All Ukrainian Press Center" provides on-line access to the Press Center within UKRINFORM, which stages events upon the order. The site provides announcements about press conferences, Internet conferences, roundtables, hot telephone lines or presentations and contains press releases. Upon an agreement the site can contain the stenogram, audio-, video, photo-reports of an event.
UKRINFORM furnishes its photo news materials to Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Poland, the Czech Republic and some other countries. The Agency can promptly fulfill any order for black-and-white and color photos.
Possessing state-of-the-art electronic systems of transmitting information to any region in Ukraine, CIS nations and abroad, UKRINFORM also uses Internet facilities.
Along with conventional informational services, UKRINFORM operates its UKRINFORM-NEWS and UKRINFORM-PHOTO servers in the Internet to offer the spectrum of informational services to multitudinous Internet users world-wide.
UKRINFORM runs an information reference service.
UKRINFORM offers other services, including placing banners on the Agency's servers, organization of press conferences and holding presentations by the UKRINFORM All-Ukrainian press center.

Contact telephones


Agency's Postal Adress: 8/16 Bogdan Khmelnytsky st., Kyiv-1, GSP, 01001,Ukraine