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Photo UKRINFORM daily breaking photo newswire from Ukraine and abroad, exclusive archive snaps, political and celebrity profiles



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How to order and get photo information

Registered users of the "UKRINFORM PHOTO" server may order photos. To register follow the "How to get registered" link

You may buy photo information through the virtual "Consumer's Basket" above photo preview. After clicking the caption a registration window appears, where the login and password are needed, which have been given to you on signing the agreement. Then, the "Consumer's Basket" window appears. Click, please, "order photo" under the enlarged photo, in which you are interested, and the photo with information gets to the basket. Photo information, which is placed on the server, includes a photo with a text. The size of the text (the author, date, caption, background information) is usually not limited, but, regularly, not larger than 1 Kb. A user may save the text on his/her computer with the ANSI format (Windows coding) through the link "save text to the file.."

The user may get a certain number of photos and revise his/her order with indication of its price. If necessary, any photo may be deleted from the basket. When you have ascertained your order, click, please, "order". The sum of the order will be withdrawn from your personal account.

The ordered photos are kept in the "Consumer's Basket" for 14 days, since the day of the order. The user may save photos on his/her computer as a file with a name, which corresponds to unique names of photos on the server (for each of the three languages of the photo server, there are separate baskets). If the photos fail to be recovered from the basket within the said period, the money is not returned to your balance.

  • for photo informational support please call: 279-89-21, 244-90-79;
    fax: 244-90-57; e-mail:
  • for technological support: tel: 244-90-10 ; e-mail:

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