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Компания "Конти" - PRESS-CENTRE
2010 year
2009 year
2008 year
13.04.2010 Strategic plans for development of "KONTI" Group in Russia
On March, 29th, 2010 "KONTI" Group and Administration of Kursk region have signed the next WORKING AGREEMENT for 2010-2012. The major directions of the given agreement - social and investment projects of the company in Kursk region.
12.04.2010 «KONTI» comes on all fronts
"KONTI" Group has once again confirmed reputation of the most dynamically developing company of branch, having demonstrated a considerable increase of sales.
The position of main players of Ukrainian confectionery market was not affected by financial crisis and “KONTI” GROUP still remains the central player and managed not only to hold its volume, but also to increase it.