This version of the page ( stored by It represents a snapshot of the page as of 2010-07-16. The original page over time could change.
  Who is who in government

topic of the issue

There are five influential groups directly competing against one another in the current power struggle
  Unlimited shelf life reforms

topic of the issue

Yanukovych is going to solve political problems as they arise
can wait

topic of the issue

The new government launched a clampdown against corruption by postponing the effectuation of a package of anti-corruption...
  Army reform to start in 2021

topic of the issue

The ambiguity of the tasks Viktor Yanukovych assigned to the new minister indicates that the new government seems to be...
  Policy blitzkriegs – at what cost?

topic of the issue

Ukraine’s foreign policy under President Viktor Yanukovych can be described as quick achievements at the cost of...
in numbers

topic of the issue

The Cabinet has set totally realistic macroeconomic tasks which guarantee successful reports
What crisis?

topic of the issue

Dealing with the economic crisis in Ukraine was the main thrust of the presidential campaign of Viktor Yanukovych....
  A fly in the football ointment

topic of the issue

The evident breakthroughs of the Akhmetov–Kolesnikov group in preparation for the Euro 2012 football championship and...
  Ukrainocentrism vs. schizoid post-colonialism

topic of the issue

The Ukrainian national idea prevails in the collective consciousness, but it is conceptually underdeveloped and has to...
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  • 16:09Passing the buck
  • 16:07Over UAH 1 bn for local elections
  • 15:54NBU to augment its reserves
  • 15:52Prospects improve for amber prospectors
  • 15:51Hotels exempt from taxes for 10 years
  • 15:49Army gets dough for bullets
  • 15:47How cheap are cheap homes in Ukraine?
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