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We welcome you at the site of Publishing-consulting Corporation “FACTOR”!
This site provides you with the information about the history of corporation, directions of its activity, projects and achievement, plans and prospects of development.

President of corporation "FACTOR"
Sergiy Polituchiy

News and events
The apostle of world music Michael Kazinik in Kharkov
From September, 17 till September, 20th kharkovities had a possibility to communicate to the unique person — the critic, the professor of the Stockholm drama college and the Higher school of business of Scandinavia, a member of the International association of writers and publicists, the expert of the Nobel concerts, «the apostle of world music» Michael Kazinik.
"The Ukrainian family holiday": the beginning of a long way
On September, 11th, 2007 in a palace of students "Sovremennik" passed a regional holiday "The Ukrainian family holiday", devoted the entering of children-orphans and children deficient of parental trusteeship at the 1st course of higher educational institutions of Kharkov region. Corporation "Factor" acted as the patron of this holiday.
WWW.FACTOR.UA: the new face of a corporate site
The beginning of September was marked for corporation "Factor" by start of the new changed corporate site – Now the official site of corporation meets all requirements of a modern web-resource.
The solemn opening
On August, 5th, 2007 long-awaited opening of a new shop of a grocery supermarkets "Je-Da!" ("Food") network took place in Pesochin city (Kharkov region). Opening holiday collected more than two thousand visitors.
The new equipment – the new opportunities
In October in a printing house "Factor-Druk" the new rotational offset machine MAN Roland Uniset 75 will be installed. With its start which takes place in November, productive capacity of a printing house will increase in 2 times. And 40 000 000 instead of 20 000 000 journalese productions will be printed monthly.
All news and events

Corporation "Factor" is one of the largest enterprises in Ukraine specializing on granting of consulting services and release of periodicals and the literature concerning the theory and experts of book keeping and the taxation, business, the right, office-work etc. We are the leader in the field of high-quality polygraphy, manufacture of newspapers and publishing.

The main objective of corporation "Factor" is creation of the comfortable information environment for existence and development of the Ukrainian business, development of national polygraphy and publishing. Solving problems facing corporation is carried out by organizational associated system of the enterprises and the organizations which specialize on various activities and are coordinated in a context of whole-corporation goals.

The main value of corporation is unique knowledges and the experience, saved up by the enterprise since 1991 – year of its creating. In our active – well-known brands and trade marks. Our command of the high quality professionals and certificated experts is capable to solve any challenges put before corporation. Not stopping on reached, the corporation actively develops new directions, winning the new markets and expanding areas of influence.

The relationships with partners "FACTOR" builds on the basis of mutual trust, reliability, the responsibility and high professionalism. We are opened to cooperation and we make all efforts that our activity is as much as possible useful to society.

We invite you to well-ordered, comfortable world of “Factor”, where everything is thought over in order to provide you with the maximum of services and efficient decisions for your business in the most suitable form for you.


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Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002

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Phone/fax: (057) 719-41-09