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Центр Сучасного Мистецтва "ДАХ". САГА : ТЕАТР

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Центру Сучасного Мистецтва "ДАХ"!

 Playbill on March


Centre of Contemporary Art "DAKH"


audio-visual-theatre-literature-philosophic art project

Festival of Contemporary Art GOGOLFEST

3rd-19th of September 2010

Details on the page

Came out decond studio album of ethnic chaos band DakhaBrakha
Na Mezhi


28 of January-10th of February 2007 - Centre of Contemporary Art "DAKH" with the "Prologue to "Macbeth" in Barbican Centre (London, UK).
Press reviews are here

DAKH Kiev Centre of Contemporary Arts was found by the businessman, maecenas, producer, director and actor Vladislav Troitskyi who became its art head. The centre was opened on 12th of November, 1994 and gradually turned into mighty cell of creative experimental activity searching for ‚dynamic synthesisи of different methods of acting and directing arts. One of the most important tasks of the centre was determined by V. Troitskyi as upbringing of universal actor of new type able to realize on a deep level each word and act of his personage, analyze spiritual sources of creativity and acting at the same time staying natural and convincing on a stage. And all that without a professional training.  

Thus, the singular art school of DAKH was formed combining achievements of realistic theatre of Vladimir Ogloblin, text theatre of Igor Lysov, intellectual clownery theatre of Valeryi Bilchenko, psychological and mistrial theatre of Boris Yukhananov, zero ritual of playwright and director Klim. Besides the plays directed by V. Ogloblin such as ‚Vassa Zheleznovaи by M. Gorkyi, ‚Shelmenko the Batmanи by G. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko, ‚KrechinskyiЃs Weddingи by O. Suhovo-Kobylin the repertoire of the theatre was enriched by V. TroitskyiЃs own project ‚вseven days with an Idiotви - the plays based on KlimЃs (Vladimir Klimenko) pieces put-up as unwritten chapters of F. DostoevskyiЃs novel ‚Idiotи. As the results of common work of Troitskyi and Klim such plays as ‚Dostoevskyi-Chesterton: Crime Paradoxes or the Lonely Riders of Apocalypseи, ‚Love Den or Ukrainian Decamerouneи and ‚Girl with Matchesи were born.

Being interested in folklore and authentic Ukrainian singing V. Troitskyi in spring 2004 founded ethno-chaos band ‚DakhaBrakhaи that unites traditions of performing and music instruments of different nations and in summer of the same year he started student theatre. ThatЃs notably widened creative possibilities of DAKH and allowed to its art head to carry through the project ‚Mystic Ukraineи that includes three Shakespearian pieces: ‚Prologue to ЖMacbethЃи, ‚Richard III. Prologueи, ‚King Lear. Prologueи. They were successfully presented at the time of touring in Moscow, London and on many theatre festivals in Ukraine, Poland and Hungary.   

Having as well some experience in organizing art exhibitions DAKH jointly with Cultural Art and Museum Complex ‚Artistic Arsenalи started art-audio-visual-theatre-literature-philosophic project named ‚I International Festival of Arts GOGOLFEST dedicated to the future bicentenary from the great writerЃs birth in April, 2009. Famous Ukrainian artists, sculptors, musicians, singers, drama actors, philosophers, litterateurs and also Ukrainian businessmen-maecenases aware of their public role joined the project. The aim of this long term project planned for at least two years was put by its author and initiator V. Troitskyi in this way: ‚creating fairytale world tree of contemporary Ukrainian art civilizationи.

Увага! Всi матерiали сайту належать їх авторам _ не можуть бути використанi без їхньої особистої згоди. З приводу розмiщення матерiалiв в iнших електронних чи друкованих виданнях прохання звертатись за адресою

Центр сучасного мистецтва "ДАХ" дотримується принципiв максимальної толерантностi до iнших думок, але подiляє i бере на себе вiдповiдальнiсть лише за позицiю у власному iнформацiйному блоцi.

Iдея: Владислав Троїцький, КЛIМ.

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пропозицiї - пишiть нам на наш e-mail*)*)*.

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вул.Велика Василькiвська (Червоноармiйська),136.
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