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Ukraine is situated in Eastern Europe and lies in the Dnipro River basin. Neighboring Ukraine are the countries of Belarus, Russia, Moldova, Poland,  Hungary, Slovakia and Romania. In the South, Ukraine is washed by the Black and Azov Seas. The area of Ukraine is 603,700 sq.km, the population is 51,728,400.    
Kiev (Kyiv, in Ukrainian), Capital of Ukraine, occupies a territory over 790 sq. Km and is situated on the banks of the Dnipro River which divides it in two parts – the left and right ones. The central part of the City lies on the right riverbank, the left bank is occupied by new housing areas. About 3 million people live in Kiev.   
Approximately 85% of the Ukrainian population are Orthodox Christians; 10% are Catholics of the Byzantine rite; 3% are Protestant (mainly Baptists); 1.3% are of the Jewish faith.    
Kyiv has much to offer in the cultural and architectural arenas with its wide tree-lined boulevards and historical buildings  reflecting various styles and periods of the ancient Kyivan-Rus Empire.  Kyiv is a major industrial center that includes companies specializing in electronics, engineering, aviation, food and chemical production, etc. Kyiv'seconomic development has been enriched by  its advantageous location along the Dnipro River, which links Kyiv to the Black Sea. 

Climate in  Ukraine is basically  sparingly-continental, in the Crimea - a  subtropical climate of mediterrainian  type.  Winters are long,  snowy and cool, average  temperature in January  is  - 6 C (21 F). The coolest month  is  February.  Summer is short not  very hot, average   temperature  in July  month  is + 19 C (67 F). In  July, August  there  can be  + 32 C more often + 25-30 C. Change of seasons is very distinct in  Ukraine, snowy  winter, flowering warm  springtime, hot summer and gilded  autumn.    


Time  count  in Ukraine is 2 hours ahead of  the Greenwich Mean Time.  For the aim of saving electric power supply  in  Ukraine, on last Sunday of March each  year  - the clock hands are shifted 1 hour  onward, and  on  last Sunday of  September   - 1 hour back.   

Many streets in Kiev were lately re-named. Instead of names of socialist leaders we may see now old names of streets or names from the Ukrainian  history. It makes some  confusions among Kievites and visitors. Don't be ashamed of asking Kievites how to find that or another street. Very friendly people live in Kiev, they respect strangers and render you any assistance.  

Standard voltage in electric networks all  through Ukraine  is  220 volts. Faults in  electricity supply occur very seldom and,  as a rule, are immediately eliminated.   
Restaurant bills normally include a 5% service charge, however, you'll often find that a few extra hryvnias (10% suggested) can make your dining experience a lot more pleasurable.  

Official state language in Ukraine since 1990  is Ukrainian, but alongside with it Russian is broadly used. In big cities, they speak  mostly in Russian,and in villages - in Ukrainian.  All official documents are exercised  in Ukrainian, mass media uses  two languages. More and more people in Kiev speak  English. Hotels, restaurants, bars, private companies hire people who   know English. But do not hope to hear English in shops, kiosks, town transport.  

For drinking water, Kievites use water filters, or boil tap water.  We do not advise you to drink tap water without filtering. Better buy at the shop Ukrainian drinking  water or mineral water of  import   production. Big popularity with Kievites enjoys water taken from artesian bore  holes, from the depth of 300 m underground. The springs of artesian water  are scattered all over the city. Usually,  they are  fenced, sheltered  and  have  a  panel  with iwater characteristics. This   water is cleaner than  the tap water, but it  also should  be boiled  before drinking.  In each house, there is cold and hot water.  But do not  wonder  if at the end of spring or  in  midsummer  they suddenly  cut off    hot water for a month for cleaning the pipes. Many Kievites are rather stoical reacting to these  things and  even  try  to  train themselves under cold water at this time :-))  

In spite of  the common  in western  newspapers  view  that the streets of Kiev  are dangerous for foreign tourists, this is not true. In fact, streets of Kiev are much more safe than the streets of NEW YORK, Los-Angeles  or Chicago. You  can freely move along  the  streets at  night time, if you keep your usual  behaviour. Try not to call to yourself  attention, not to carry with yourself big  sums of money, not to change money with street  money changers, keep a check on   baggage and your own pocket when using  public transport. Do not carry in your   pockets money amounts greater than  needed, do not get into the taxi if there are already several passengers in it. Follow a  principle of good sense and Your stay in  Kiev will be pleasing and safe.   

When visiting Ukraine, there are a few simple rules of etiquette that may be useful:    

  • If invited into a family home, it is traditional to bring a gift. A bottle of wine,  a cake or a bouquet of flowers is custo-mary. If there is a child in the  house,  it is appropriate to provide him/her with a small gift as well. 
  • Do not shake hands across the thres-hold of a door. It is considered bad luck.  
  • When shaking hands, take off your gloves. Be prepared to remove your shoes upon  entering a home. To keep apart-ments clean, most hosts will  provide you with a pair of slippers. 
  • On public transportation, give up your seat to mothers with children,   the elder-ly, or the infirm. 

  • At the entrance of upscale restaurants, expect that your coat, briefcase or bag-gage   will be checked Be sure to have business cards printed in  Ukrainian on one side and  English on the other. 
  • When eating dinner at someone's home, casual dress is accepted.  
  • If you bring flowers, make sure it is an uneven number of flowers.  
  • be ready to give toasts at dinner, for guests are often asked to do so.  
  • Offer to share your snacks and cigarettes with those around you.  
  • Be prepared to accept all food and drink  offered you when visiting friends. 
  • Ukrainians are known for their generosity when it comes to feeding others. Turning down food may be considered rude.
  • For business, dress should be conservative. Men should not take off  their jackets unless asked.
  • In Orthodox churches women wear scarves or hats, and men take off their hats.

  • Don't put your thumb between your first  two fingers - this is a very rude gesture.  
    Ukraine is still most a cash economy. Traveler's checks and credit cards are gaining wider acceptance in larger cities. Use of credit cards is limited to the better hotels, Western-style restaurants, international airlines and select stores. American Express, MasterCard, and Visa are commonly accepted. A passport or diplomatic card may be required whenever a credit card is used. Customs regulations prohibit sending cash, traveler's checks, personal checks, credit cards or passports through the international mail system to Ukraine. These items are regularly confiscated as contraband by customs authorities.

    Medical care in Ukraine is limited. The availability of basic medical supplies, including disposable needles, anesthetics, and antibiotics has improved. Elderly travelers and those with existing health problems may be at risk due to inadequate medical facilities. Doctors and hospitals often expect immediate cash payment for health services. Foreighn medical insurance is not always valid for Ukraine. Travelers have found that in some cases, supplemental medical insurance with specific overseas coverage, including air evacuation coverage, has proved to be useful.

    Alcoholic drinks in the Kiev are cheap and easy to buy. Alcohol  is available on sale l in gastronomes, kioskses, bars, restaurants, at the market, and in specialized shops. Don't be tempted to buy alcoholic drinks at cheap prices in kiosks. In the bottle with the lable "French champaign" there may not be exactly French champaign. In gastronomes, you can buy Ukrainian alcoholic drinks, and this will not be a forgery. In bars and; restaurants the drinks cost much above retail price. And, please, do not forget that you must not drive a car in a state of intoxication. If you are stopped by a traffic militia, you will be subjected to a substantial fine or your driver's licence will be withdrawn. Militia (Police) in Ukraine is rather intolerant towards drunk drivers, so it would be better for you if you take a taxi.

    Free of charge toilets in the Kiev are practically not available. But id there are  some, they  are not at all pleasant site to see.  Due to lack of detergents and servicing personnel, they look very unclean. It is better to use pay  toilets, in  which for 30 - 50 cop .it possibrej possible   bring itself in the order. Under all restaurants, bars, clubs there are free toilets, in which is supported shining purity and freshness.

    Workday in state-opened and private companies usually begins at 9.00 and ends at  18.00, with dinner break  at 14.00-15.00 or 15.00-14.00, the days off are  Saturday and Sunday.  Most of the  banks  are open for visitors from 9.00 till 13.00, days off -  Saturday, Sunday.  Don't  be surprised, butrestaurants and grocery stores can be locked for dinner at the   lunchtime exactly. There also exists  at a  booking office box  such a notion as "technical break" for 15 min., which can   happen each 2-3 hours. What  they need it   for nobody knows.  And if your queue has  come exactly to the time  the  "technical  break" begins, you will not be served.  You  will have either to wait  till the break ends or occupy a queue in other pay-desk, but there is probability that  your  new queue    will  come to exactly the same technical  break there.

    Many people remember  the accident  at  Chernobyl atomic stations happened in 1986.  You need not be afraid of radiation.  In Kiev at present, the level of radiation does not exceed the permissible rate. Kiev products,  coming  on  sale  undergo  a  strict  radiation control.

    Official state currency since 1996 is hrivna. We have money bills by nominal  values 1,2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 hrivnas and small change coins by nominal values 1,2,5,10,25,50 kopecks.  Payments on the territory of Ukraine are realized only in national currency (hrivnas). You may  change hard currency for hrivnas  at  exchange  posts  scatterred all  over the  city and at the banks. In order to avoid fraud and troubles,  do not use services of  street changers. You can get cash for your travellers checks  in hotels and some banks. Credit cards are taken for payment in large hotels, restaurants, shops.
    See more information about Hryvnia here..>> 

    Transition to market economy has appeared highly painful for the average Ukrainian and the country as a whole. Average Ukrainian gets today $50-60 a month. State-owned enterprises quite often  delay paying salary. Those retired on pension  get  $30.   So, the Ukrainians  have to do somethign to live on such small salary. In many places you may see people, selling newspapers, cigarettes, various trifles in order to earn some money. There are a lot of beggars on the streets.  But this is sooner their work  and not  real  necessity.Alongside with this, a lot of private, joint  companies are being opened,giving additional working places. Salary in such companies  is two times above, but they  disintegrate much oftener.


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