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How to make payment for Kiev apartments - VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover // Absolute
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Our address

10/87 M. Tsvetayevoy Str., Apt. 17
Kiev 02232, Ukraine


24 hours a day

How to make payment for our services

The currency transfers are made by means of Western Union, Money Gram etc. for Beliy Vasiliy Alekseevich.

Passport details::
The passport, series - number: CH 370463
Beliy Vasiliy Alekseevich.

10/87 M. Tsvetayevoy Str., Apt. 17
Kiev 02232, Ukraine

Do not forget to indicate: your name, surname, country, city and also to notify your control number of a money transfer for receiving of money.

From the territory of Ukraine you can make a money transfer at the post office, at the bank, in electronic or telegraphic form. Receive our invoice by fax and pay in cashless settlement.

Our payment details in Ukraine:
Settlement account 260075010915 in Desnyanskiy branch of Savings Bank of Ukraine, Kiev, MFO 322283
Certificate of state registration: No. 22803 of 28.02.2003
Single tax
Identification number (SPD-FO) No. 2095703531

Payment using WebMoney

Now you can pay us using Webmoney.
You can send us money to our Z-account Z235274369809.

Your benefit! A comparative level of prices for residing in Kiev (per day)

  Prices for residing in our apartments, EUR Prices for residing in hotels, EUR
1 room, centre 60-70 100-300
2 rooms, centre 60-90 150-300
3 rooms, centre 100-150 300-400
4 rooms, centre 200-300 450-600
1 rooms, new districts 30 50-60
2 rooms, near the metro 35-40 80-100
3 rooms, near the metro 60-100 нет
4 rooms, near the metro 200-300 нет


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