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Podil's'ki Tovtry NNP - english version - video files

Main menu

Where is it?


History / Literature

General information

Nature monuments

Historical-architectural monuments

Archeological monuments

Recreation and tourist possibilities


Video files


Video files

  • atlantida-1.avi (00:11:43, 123 Mb) - Photoalbum "The Athlantis" Cave". Part 1 (2005)
  • bakota-1.avi (00:01:27, 10 Mb) - Videopanorama of the Dniester waterkeep (The Bakota Bay)
  • bakota_duhovna_hdtrk.avi (00:35:32, 94 Mb) - Spiritual Bakota
  • bakota_paraplan1.avi (00:07:46, 14,5 Mb) - Paraplan flight above the Bakota Bay (from 
  • bakota_paraplan2.flv (00:01:34, 4 Mb) - Paraplan flight above the Bakota Bay
  • dali_bude_kp.avi (00:05:56, 12,8 Mb) - The piece of television program "Dali Bude " about Kamyanets-Podilski city
  • dnestr_2003.avi (00:15:20, 48,8 Mb) - The film about regional-study expedition "Dniester-2003"
  • dnestr_2005.avi (01:13:04, 113 Mb) - The film about regional-study expedition "Dniester-2005"
  • nevidome_misto.avi (00:20:43, 34,4 Mb) - The film about Kamyanets-Podilski city from the cycle of the films "Nevidome misto" ("Unknown city")
  • presentation.avi (00:10:31, 19 Mb) - Podil's'ki Tovtry NNP video presentation
  • sport-tur-2007.avi (00:20:00, 64,5 Mb) - TV-program about The 45th sport tourism technique competition (Negin willage, 2007)
  • terra_heroica_2005.avi (00:15:43, 42,2 Mb) - The film about "Terra Heroica" festival (2005)
  • terra_heroica_2005_trailer.avi (00:00:31, 1,7 Mb) - The film about "Terra Heroica" festival (trailer) (2005)
  • terra_heroica_2006.avi (00:10:55, 28,7 Mb) - The film about "Terra Heroica" festival (2006)
  • tovtry-raid-2008.avi (00:05:01, 69 Mb) - "Tovtry Raid 2008" extreme tourist rally
  • unikalna_ukraina_kp.avi (00:27:51, 60 Mb) - TV-program about Kamyanets-Podilski city from the "Unikalna Ukraina" ("The Unique Ukraine") cycle