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Epoch | курсы иностранных языков, тренинг-центр по изучению иностранных языков, бюро переводов. Untitled Document
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Language Master-Classes
Specialized Business Courses
Preparation for International Language Exams
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Russian and Ukrainian for Foreigners
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Speaking Clubs
Virtuoso TRAINERS 

Here is a riddle for you to puzzle over:
What is a great force based on a heptagonal minimum?
What is unrivalled in being understandable to everyone, irrespective of the language they speak?
What is a force which can make you love, laugh, or cry?

All of this is music.
According to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “music is the universal language of mankind”.
People say that it is best to associate with people who speak the same language as you do. This language does not necessarily have to consist of words, if we are referring to the language of our hearts.

Some people can hear, understand, and study languages in all their glorious variety. Just think what will happen when such people start working together …

Have you pictured this in your mind’s eye?

If this picture seemed to defy your imagination, we’d like you to meet a group of professionals who conduct trainings in Russian, Ukrainian, and foreign languages, in virtually any subject. We can hear the music of your hearts, read the score written in your needs and aspirations, and we join you in creating real masterpieces, adding our own tunes and chords to yours.
We play intellectual music.
These are the most prominent notes in the music we play:
♪ university education;
♪ an endless desire to keep on learning;
♪ finely honed linguistic abilities;
♪ experience in various business spheres;
♪ excellent command of effective teaching methods;
♪ creative approach;
♪ boundless commitment to our work which we love doing. – тренинги в Украине
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