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„Badische Zeitung”, March 15, 2007
Music that rushes from a soul
Festival „Weiler String Time” presented the Ukrainian folk band „Hudaki” for German public.
1400 km from Weil on Rhein, place where three countries meet, there is Nyzhnye Selysche, a village in Transcarpathia. The visitors of festival were able to be dipped for a while in the atmosphere of that place, be heard, as local musicians play on the weddings (which can last a few days in a row), to feel the touch of the special musical whirlwind on Tuesday in a club „Old town Hall”. Band, which modestly names itself „Hudaki”, that translated simply „musicians”, is already stroked performance by itself which probably will be registered in memory of all visitors of concert for a long time. For five years the group gives worldwide concerts (...)
Music that just quietly and unnoticed winded around a stage, instantly broke into the hall with reckless. Submerged in warm light, dissolving fully in the music, musicians played popooree that contained chardash, polka, ballads, and perceptible a-capella songs. All of it brightly contrasted with the tender singing of shepherd’s flute and incomprehensible moan of violin, thin voice of guitar and pulsating rhythm of traditional tambourine.
Concert of Hudaki is more than just music. It is the real, not far-fetched, living and spontaneous presentation. But a not traditional dress does appearance truly authentic. The special role is given to the body language that is clear without any translation, and that gives the special expression for the melodies. Leading singer Katya smiles slyly, her eyes shine and look somewhere far back in the distance. She paints every note of song with her strong and eccentric voice, and carries it into the hall; and these songs succeed to convert such banal workaday life into poetic strophes.
Transcarpathia is a region on the south-west of Ukraine. It is the Ukrainian border with Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland. Hudaki sing about different sides of life, about the desire and dreams. By singing they retell the most ancient histories, and in such a way preserve the cultural inheritance of the region. They cause a smile at the listeners; engage them to commiseration, participation and action. They pass music in the crowds, and at the same time dissolve in the own creation. „Without the pedagogical loading”, as they say, a lighthearted, natural urge to the expression of the soul.

Daniella Buch

Watch our new music video!!!
Camera: Yuri Kazakov and Ivan Sautkin (Kiev)
Montage: Cédric Zoenen and Yuri Kazakov (Brussels)
Sound: Jeff Levillain (Brussels).
Shooted in the village Vodycya, Transcarpathia, July 2007

... Concerts... Projects...

Hi everybody!
After a summer travelling by the long roads of Eastern Europe (Maramures in Romania, Festival Sheshory in Vinnitsa, UA and Lemkivska Vatra, PL), in September and October we decided to play in our Carpathians. In November, we are planning to leave for Switzerland and Netherlands! Sounds great!

Photos from the times of our studio work on third CD are here>>> (copyright Yuri Kazakov).
Pictures from the wedding at Vodicia village in July 2007...
Our new CD "HUDAKI AREN'T PEOPLE" will be available from the beginning of our European tour in November. Some mp3's you can download from this page >>>

More pictures:
Hudaki in Kyiv at the presentation of photo-exhibition “Lopukhovo-Brustyry” by Oleksandr Glyadelov. Galeria Camera, 12.08.2006 >>>

Future concerts >>>

Multi-media projects
Hudaki performances can be accompanied with visual information:
Documental film of Jara Malevez (Switzerland, Stans; 2005) about life of one Transcarpathian village of Lopuhovo.
The photo exhibition of the famous Ukrainian photographer Aleksander Glyadyelov (Kyiv) about everyday life of Lopuhovo village. (Photoreport from 2003 - 2005)

Copyright © 2004 Hudaki. All rights reserved.

Welcome to HUDAKI VILLAGE BAND from Nyzhnye Selyshche, in Ukrainian Carpathians. Here you’ll be whirled into the dance by the emotional and sensitive melodies which never loose its local features.
ACTION: Download for free our new CD Hudaki aren't people

If you want to support HUDAKI and buy our beautiful CD, hardcover, 40 pages booklet with many pictures and video, write us!

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