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Lviv 750 » Festival "Zoloty Lev"


September 15, 2006

Gert Hoff and Ruslana took their pains specially for Lviv

September 13, 2006

Presents are being prepared for Lvivites and city guests

September 08, 2006

Goran Bregovich will sing in Lviv at the celebration of the 750th anniversary

August 30, 2006

The first festival of Ukrainian films in Lviv

August 28, 2006

Key state figures have been invited to the celebration

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Легче зажечь одну маленькую свечку, чем проклинать темноту - Конфуций (Кун-цзы)

Вы убережете себя от множества ненужных хлопот, если сожжете мосты сразу, как только подойдете к ним. Законы Мэрфи

очистка воды для коттеджей

"Zoloty Lev"

Festival "Zoloty Lev"

For Ukraine street festivals are so far not quite a usual phenomenon, while in Europe this art is already very much widespread (for instance, in Poland each year there take place over 500 street festivals). However, "Zoloty Lev" founded in 1989 by Yaroslav Fedoryshyn is gradually gathering pace. It already has its peculiar colouring inherent in Lviv fest. Both children and adults look forward to it.

This year groups from Ukraine, Poland, Austria, France, Germany, Slovakia, Russia, Byelorus, Czechia will participate in it. The performances will be held in the premises of First Ukrainian Theatre for Children and Youth, in ZOK theatre, "Voskresinnia", M. Zankovetska theatre, L. Kurbas theatre.

Apart from that, every evening at the square in front of Lviv Opera there will take place free-of-charge performances for the audience. Actors will present Lvivites with unforgettable street carnival: parade on stilts, mimes, clowns performances, fireworks. As at all carnivals, there will be a lot of fire, explosions and bright costumes in Lviv. And the audience will not only watch it all, but every Lvivite or city guest will have a chance to participate in the carnival if he or she wishes and become the actor of the street performance.

Ukraine will be represented at the festival by Lviv M. Zankovetska theatre, L. Kurbas theatre, ZOK theatre, First Ukrainian Theatre for Children and Youth, Lviv theatre "Voskresinnia" as well as Kyiv Young Theatre, Drama and Comedy Theatre "Livy bereh" (Kyiv).

Polish theatre will also be widely represented at this-year festival. Both in terms of geography - from Zheshuv to Gdansk, and in terms of repertoire variety. Thus, in the course of seven festival days everyone will be able to find there something of interest.

Истинное могущество нуждается в великих знаниях. Хуан Мануэль

Надо знать обо всем понемножку, но все о немногом. [Когда захочется узнать о немногом остальное, скажется насколько немного знал обо всем v Д.Д.] К.А. Тимирязьев

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Женский юмор:

Молодая красивая женщина - это чудо природы. Немолодая красивая женщина - это чудо искусства.

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