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Company Background
Горячая линия: 8 800 500 19 50 РусскийУкраїнськаEnglish

About Us

Company Background

“TAS” Insurance Group CJSC has been operating on the Ukrainian insurance market since 1998. “TAS” IG today is one of the market top players, which is proved by financial indicators (capital, assets, insurance reserves, insurance bonuses and compensated loss volumes). We have garnered a reputation as a financially powerful company that perfectly performs its obligations. Our reliability is secured by not only significant authorized and reserve funds, but also by an acting mechanism of major risks re-insurance. The Company collaborates with leading re-insurance companies all over the world.

“TAS” IG has established a wide network along Ukraine: 19 branches, 12 regional management boards and over 360 Sales Centers. Own agents network makes up over 2000 insurance agents who grant services in all regions of Ukraine. This gives the Company a status of national insurer who is able to meet requirements and demands of the most exacting customers and provide a wide mix of insurance products throughout all the country.

“TAS” Insurance Group CJSC is a universal insurer who offers its customers over 100 insurance products under 60 types of packaged and special programs of voluntary and obligatory insurance. We render top-quality insurance services, enhance traditional insurance types and create new insurance products that meet requirements of today.

The constituent of a successful development of the Company is a high skilled staff, knowledge and experience of our workers, efficient management and the Company corporate culture.

We are sure that stability and quality of our Company activity is a guarantee for well-being of our clients, a support of their confidence and protection of life and business.

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Для печати

©Страховая Группа "ТАС",
он-лайн расчеты
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