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17-20 февраля — 12-я специализированная выставка «РЕКЛАМА. ПОЛИГРАФИЯ. МЕДИА»

Specialized Exhibition Center

* SEC «EXPODONBASS», Donetsk, Ukraine

Secrets of successful participation in an exhibition

An exhibition is one of the most effective instruments of marketing, advertising and PR.

However, the participation in even the most prestigious and attended exhibition will not be effective without a thorough preparation.

  1. Timely application for the participation in the exhibition and early payment will help you choose the best place in the pavilion, think over the stand design thoroughly and order the full list of exhibition services; and giving the information for the catalogue timely will guarantee its placing in the catalogue itself, and not on the additional pages, which are often lost.
  2. Design of the exhibition stand plays a very important role at the exhibition; the task is not only to attract the visitors, but also to keep them, explain who you are and what you are offering.
  3. It is not obviously that you should display all your products at your stand, but you should make your stand spacious and comfortable for the staff and the visitors, provide with convenient place for negotiations and for the place for your presentations, contests, etc.
  4. While preparing a team of people who will work at the stand, their outfit and training should be paid special attention to, as the work during the exhibition is very hard, and the staff should be ready for it properly.
  5. A good deal of qualitative distributing material is a compulsory condition of successful work at the exhibition. The design and production of this material should be formed taking into account different types of visitors.
  6. A Pre-exhibition advertising campaign can lead to the increase of the number of visitors at your stand by 33% and to the increase of the sales volume by 50%.
  7. 75% of visitors plan their visit to the exhibition beforehand, based on the information received before the exhibition begins; therefore, the most important factor that influence the number of visitors of your stand is your own pre-exhibition advertising campaign.

    A pre-exhibition advertising campaign should start with placing the information about your participation in the exhibition, the review of your exhibits and the information about special discounts on your web site. Placing the advertisements in mass media should start three months before the opening of the exhibition.

    It is recommended that posting the invitations to visit your stand should be made in several stages. The first stage should begin around ninety days before the opening of the exhibition; the second stage should start a month before the exhibition using your own clients’ base.

  8. Meetings with your business partners at the exhibition should become traditional, as only during the exhibition these contacts are at the neutral territory, which creates the feeling of comfort and guarantees unconstraint of communication. During these meetings, all the strong aspects of your company’s activity can be presented in the best way. You can present your products most fully and discuss all the questions of co-operation, provided that beforehand you have ordered an effective and spacious stand with a convenient place for negotiations, first-class staff and good handling material.
  9. The participation in the business program of the exhibition will allow not only to pay attention of the visitors to your company, but also it will allow you to get acquainted with the new market development tendencies and establish new business contacts.
  10. While sizing up your participation in the exhibition, you should remember all your mistakes and errors and consider them while organizing your participation in the next edition of the exhibition.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the exhibitions of «EXPODONBASS»
and wish you fruitful work!

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