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VOLIA — Get Connected
Get Connected

To subscribe to any of the services available in a building served by Volia, you can visit one of our contact-centers tp sign an agreement and receive the necessary equipment.

  • 4 Vasylkivska St. - Scheme
  • 24 Draiser St. - Scheme
  • 1/2 Kikvidze St. - Scheme
  • 18/30 Palladina Ave. - Scheme
  • 27 Raduzhnaya St. - Scheme
  • 33-A Artema St. - Scheme
  • 13 Myra Ave. - Scheme

To order the service you will need your passport.

If there is no need to add new cables or replace existing cables in your apartment, the installation process and tuning of the set-top-box will take only a few minutes of your time.

If you prefer to order installation of services and have equipment and documents delivered to your premises, you can contact us by any means convenient for you:

  • by dialing 502–22–50
  • by filling out a connection applicationon this web site

Operators will give you information about the service and tariffs and the time of connection. After that, Volia will complete works necessary to prepare for connection and send you a bill for either cable TV::

  • standard connection fee + the cost of equipment (if you prefer to buy it)
  • one-month subscription fee for the selected Volia Premium TV package. If you prefer to rent equipment the bill will include a one-month rent payment

or Internet

  • subscription fee for the selected Volia Broadband. If you decide to rent equipment, the bill will include a one-month rent payment

The service crew will deliver materials/equipment, connect the subscriber’s cable to the house distribution system (laying, installing and reinforcing up to 20 m of cable), connect and adjust the equipment, and draw up the contract.

If you are subscribing to Volia Broadband, upon the completion of the above procedures, the service crew will install a cable modem (a net card can be installed in your computer, if needed), adjust the browser and e-mail software, and give you a demonstration of how the system works.

When taking your call, the call center’s operator will give you information about the exact price of the above service works and answer your questions.


If you do not wish to change the interior of your apartment (e.g. you have hidden cabling or no cabling at all) or to replace cabling that does not meet the necessary standards, aside from standard connection to the Volia Broadband service, you can also order additional service works to install a Wi-Fi wireless access point based on the 802.11bg specification.

By doing so, you will be getting an additional advantage: you will be able to move your laptop around the house. The works that will be needed in this case are limited to the laying of minimum cable from the building distribution network to the modem with a wireless access point (the equipment can be installed wherever you will find convenient but it has to be near an electrical outlet). When performing this kind of service work, servicemen will call the customer beforehand to ask for technical details and advise the customer accordingly.

Corporate Customers

When corporate customers (offices, salons, shops etc.) order connection to Volia’s services, a service crew will come to the customer after receiving the connection order and assess connection possibilities, agree on the scope of work with the customer, and make an estimate of the cost of materials, equipment, and works to be performed. The customer is then provided with all bills and a package of documents to be drawn up. As soon as the contract has been drawn up and bills have been settled, the service crew will perform connection works and submit a completion report to the customer.

Additional Services

In addition to the above options, Volia offers a range of support services. By calling the call center, you can find out more about the additional services (the laying of cable in an apartment, TV adjustment, installation of an apartment amplifier, repair or installation of TV outlets, etc.).

Related Information
High-speed Internet: special offers
Tariffs for home users
Digital TV: Special Offers
Package and Channel Description
Digital TV Prices
Did You Know That...?
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