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People seldom refuse help, if one offers it in a right way

And I believe these words said by A.C. Benson are true. One does meet lots of obstacles on his way of helping others. You can’t just suddenly remember that there are people in need and decide to donate your old clothes or books to them. No doubt, that is much better than doing nothing, but giving some though, dedicating some time into it would result in a much bigger and much appreciated help.
I’ve heard so many people complain that they wanted to help orphans by giving them oranges or candy for holidays but were told not to. And none of these people have given though into what they were about to do. Sure, helping children by giving them sweets is nice, but why not think about something a bit more important, something a bit more needed? While others are spending their money on candy and fruits, you can simply call the orphanage and ask if they need anything.
You’ll be surprised by the number is simple things that these people need. While they may have many different types of candy, kilograms of oranges (that usually go bad, because one can’t only eat oranges and candy) they might simply need mineral water, milk, or corn sticks. Or they might not need food at all.
Sometimes, orphanages need expensive things, like water heaters, carpets, furniture. Sometimes they might need some repainting or tree planting to be done. The point is - unless you ask, you’ll never know.
This Easter I was lucky to organize a fundraiser for a local orphanage for kids age 0 to 5. Together with my fellow alumni we spend two days making Easter chicks – a simple, yet adorable handmade Easter decoration. Our project turned out to a great success. A lot of people expressed the desire the purchase yarn chicks when they found out that we would use the money for the orphans. We raised even more than we expected. We first wanted to be some underwear for children, but after we called the orphanage and learned that kids needed dippers. Three big packs of dipers were bought and delivered to the orphanage right before Easter.
Be ready not to only spend money, but also you time for these people. If you offer your help in the right way it will not be refused, it will be appreciated.

Download the pdf photo book of the FSA/FLEX Easter Workshop or Fundraiser 2008.

  • Olena Says:

    yey!!! we did it! nice article, girl! way to go :-*

  • Плани і т.д. | LetrOdectUS Says:

    [...] People seldom refuse help, if one offers it in a right way [...]

  • dv Says:

    Така молода і гарна дівчина, а вже з підгузниками. Куди котиться життя, їй ще гуляти, або на діско. А тут дітей вже нянчити…

  • letrodectus Says:

    дітей я не нянчу материнський інстинкт в мене ще поки що не прокинувся
    то памперси в дитячий будинок

  • dv Says:

    то ти на фото?
    Що реально? А звідки ти?

  • letrodectus Says:

    так, то я на фото
    з Тернополя

  • dv Says:

    хлопці напевно в черзі стоять
    Дуже вродлива дівчина. І чому ти не з Києва

  • Sergoff Says:

    А підгузники куди? Дітей в тебе нема, напевно.

  • letrodectus Says:

    читай коментарі вище

  • Sergoff Says:

    Ну писав я у час ночі…
    Були незрячі мої очі))

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