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FLEX alumni Easter Workshop - Святкуй Великдень разом із сиротами

This post is addresses to FSA/FLEX alumni. Other posts concerning FLEX alumni activities can be found here.
Topics discussed in this post (click the link to jump to specific point and skip the others):

  1. Easter Workshop
  2. Slumber party
  3. Movie night
  4. Earth Day clean-ups

Easter Workshop

As you all probably already know we are planning on conducting first time ever FSA/FLEX alumni Easter Workshop. The Workshop is going to be a part of our huge spring project for the orphans. The project is called “Celebrate Easter with orphans” (”Святкуй Великдень разом із сиротами“). The project itself consists of several parts that will all take place this month right before the Easter.

The first part of the project is The Easter Workshop. Its a pre-fund raising activity. After the Workshop we will do a fund raiser to get the money for the supplies needed at the orphanage. And the final part of the project - is of course the celebration of Easter with the orphans.

You probably all wonder what the workshop is going to be all about. We will learn how to make easter chicks out of yarn (based on Martha Steward’s instructions). To get an idea of what we are going to do, please go to And of course after we learn how to make those - we will make them . We will sell those chicks afterwards (thats the fund raiser part) and use the money collected to buy supplies for the orphans. We plan to keep the workshop small, make about 40 chicks.

The project is scheduled on Sunday, April 20th at 2pm. The project will take place at my apartment. We will meet a day before the project to buy the supplies (probably sometime in the morning on Saturday, I’ll inform you on the exact date and time later). We will have pizza and donuts so you don’t need to bring your own food this time However, if you wish to bring to bring some home-made brownies, I bet alumni would love that .

If you guys can, please bring some feathers (пір’я) to make the chick’s wings. We could buy some, but its really expensive, its about 1hrn for 2 feathers (which I find totally overpriced).

Slumber party! Yay!

We will have the slumber party right after the workshop. If you want to be at the party - you have to come to the workshop . So we can stay up all night long, play games, drink, eat, dance etc . I will want you out by 12pm next morning (that would be Monday).

P.S. I recently bought some great American-style games (Weakest link, Twister etc) so we can all play

Movie night! Yay!

We can have several movie nights this month at my place . All we need to do is to decide on the movie we want to watch and the date. I suggest Wednesday, April 23rd. If you can’t make it on Wednesday, we can make it any other day of the week.

So I’ve looked up some movies on yahoo and I found these:

21: The true story of the very brightest young minds in the country - and how they took Vegas for millions. (watch trailer here).

Superhero: After being bitten by a genetically altered dragonfly, high school loser Rick Riker develop superhuman abilities like incredible strength and armored skin (watch trailer here).


Clean - ups

More info to come about this, but we will be doing clean-ups for sure on April 22nd as a part of the Earth Day activities. Most likely we will be cleaning a playground, park or the yard of one of our hospitals. So please make sure you are available on the 22nd sometime in the afternoon (after classes I suppose).

Tags: FSA/FLEX activity

  • Lenka:-) Says:

    I see that your meeting was very productive)). I would go for the every activity. and for the movie, could we watch both))))?

  • letrodectus Says:

    yeah :)we can do both

  • Usvityok Says:

    How about “I am Legend”? I’ve got some movies in English, I’ll check what they are cuz I don’t remember the titles and let you know

  • letrodectus Says:

    we can watch any movie you guys want and have
    make sure to bring “I am Legend”
    oh is Yura coming too?
    and you know about the dress code, right?

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