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The Ukrainian Registered Cossacks - Ukrainian public organization
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Terms of admittance to an URK
The URC printed publications
The All-Ukrainian Party of
Spirituality and Patriotism
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  Terms of admittance to an all-Ukrainian Social organization URK    RUS  UKR   


The main provisions of the Rules an all-Ukrainian social organization "Ukrainian registered Cossacks" regulated the membership, duties and rights of citizens who make their minds to join the organization.

1100 recruits take their oat to the URC

3.Membership of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks, duties and rights of the members of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks.

3.1. Membership of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks is only individual

3.2. Descendants of Ukrainian Cossack families and also any citizen of Ukraine who is 18 years old and older who has passed through the testing period of one year and shown himself as having deep national and patriotic convictions, standing on the position of development and defense of the independent, reconciled democratic state - Ukraine , who has been initiated to the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks and who has taken his oath of allegiance to the organization, who carries out socially useful work for Ukraine has the right to be an actual member of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks. After passing the test period an actual Cossack is given a registered diploma and a certificate.
c. Nikolaev

3.3. For the substantial contribution to the development of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks according to the decision of Hetman or the Council of the Elders of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks, well-known social and political workers, military personalities, workers of culture and science, state leaders, outstanding sportsmen who have shown themselves as active fighters for the Ukrainian state and the Ukrainian Cossacks idea, can be enlisted to the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks without the test period.

3.4. Admittance to the Ukrainian registered Cossacks is carried out according to a written application, according to the ancient Cossacks tradition, by the Council of the primary Cossacks society.

Those who have never been members of the children, teenagers and youth organizations, are admitted to the Ukrainian registered Cossacks on recommendation of two actual members of the primary Cossacks societies.

Every Cossack should be registered in a primary Cossack organization

3.5 Acting children, teenagers' and youth organizations are created in the framework of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks, attached to separate units and subunits, in accordance with provisions on these organizations. The provisions are confirmed by Hetman of the Ukrainian registered Cossacks. Members of these organizations are divided according to their age: "Kozachata" ( girls - "Leli") before 10 years old, "Sokoly"( girls - "Dany") - from 10 to 14 years old, "Dzhury"( girls - "Beregini") - from 14 to 16 years old.
v.Telmanovo, Donetsk region

3.6. In accordance with the system of improvement a Cossack achieves the grade of "Young Cossack" by 16 years, "Cossack the Warrior" from 20, after having served in the army, "Cossack the Knight" - from 40 years, provided he meets certain requirements. The highest degree of perfection is "Cossack the Charakternik".

3.7. Persons who have been held criminally liable can become members of the Cossacks only after a certain decision of the Court of Cossacks' Honor of a regional Cossack organization after he has been cleared of a criminal record according to the legislation. His membership must be affirmed by the Hetman of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks.

3.8.Women organizations are created in the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks which are attached to primary units. These organizations act in accordance with the corresponding provisions on these organizations and are affirmed by the Hetman of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks.
State Reservation "Stone Tombs"

3.9. Members of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks are obliged:

  • to pay admission fee and monthly dues the amount of which is appointed by special regulations;
  • to observe healthy way of life, to contribute to development of the Ukrainian state, family and children, to bring up the younger generation spiritually healthy, strong morally and physically, devoted to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people;
  • young Cossacks of the pre-recruit age are supposed to show initiative concerning being registered in military commissariate on time, to strive to be recruited for the military service; at the military service they are supposed to work constantly over their professional, moral, psychological and physical self- perfection, to be an example of discipline, devotion to the Ukrainian people, to Ukraine;
  • to preserve and develop progressive Ukrainian Cossacks customs and traditions, to strengthen unity of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks, to carry out social activities useful for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, to observe the principles and the norms of Christian morality, Cossacks ethics and etiquette.

3.10 Actual members of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks have the following rights:

  • Decisive vote at the Cossacks Rallies;
  • To elect and to be elected to the leading bodies of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks of all the levels;
  • To put forward problems concerning the activity of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks to be considered during the Cossacks Rallies;
  • to receive military knowledge according to the Regulations on Carrying out the Cossack Service and according to the positions occupied in the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks;
  • to use the possession of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks and the land lots in accordance with acting regulations;
  • to receive information on the activity of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks; to receive answers to their propositions and applications to the associations of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks on all the levels;
  • to work in all the structures of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks;
  • to receive spiritual and moral ( and in case of necessity) financial support;
  • to study in educational and sports institutions on recommendations of leading bodies of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks;
  • to wear the military uniform of the sample of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks with the ammunition and a sword, and also with other weapon according to the acting regulations, rules of the permission system of Ukraine and the corresponding provisions.

3.11. The Cossacks who are passing through the test period have the following rights:

  • to put forward questions to be discussed at the Cossacks Rallies and to take part in their discussion in advisory capacity;
  • o receive answers on their proposals and applications;
  • to receive spiritual and moral ( in case it is necessary) financial support ;
  • to study in the Cossacks educational and sports institutions;
  • to wear the traditional Cossacks uniform of the sample of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks without the equipment.

3.12. The membership in the Ukrainian Registered Cossack is terminated:

  • according to the personal desire;
  • in case of violation of the Rules of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks and also for purposeful activity directed to stirring up hostility and dissension among the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks;
  • as the result of the activity incompatible with the name of Cossack, and which damages the Ukrainian state, people and the Cossacks;
  • in case of not paying the duties during three months.

3.13.The decision of deprivation of membership is taken by the Hetman of the Ukrainian regisrerd Cossacks on the basis of the decision taken by a primary Cossacks society ( the court of the Cossacks Honor, general auditing commission).

A Decision of the Council of a primary Cossacks society ( court of the Cossacks Honor, general auditing commission) may be appealed against in the court of the Cossacks Honor of the higher level during a month since the adoption of the decision. In case the appeal of the claimant is well grounded, the decision can be reconsidered at the Big Council of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks, but not later than in two months before the Council.

The Big Council creates a special commission for considering cases. The commission investigates and takes the final decision which is not subjected to appeal.

3.14 A foundation of immediate deprivation of the membership of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks is fair holding him criminally liable and a corresponding decision of the court or hiding the fact of his criminal liability.

The main documents fixing the admission to ASO " Ukrainian Registered Cossacks" are as follows:



After a positive settlement of the problem the following ritual is carried out:

oath of allegiance taken in presence of the majority of Cossacks of a primary Cossacks organization.

honoring the flags of Ukraine, of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks.

honoring the Cossacks Sword.

congratulation and tutoring of the Hetman of the URC ( if possible), the ataman-in-chief, atamans, Cossacks, friends, representatives of the official structures.

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