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Gorkogo 50
Surikova 3
Moskovskiy Prospekt 6
Open: 08.30-23.00
Amenities: ATM, credit cards accepted, parking
English speaking staff: no
What can you buy: Food, alcohol, toiletries, household items, pharmacy, pet food, dry cleaners, florist

MegaMarket has pretty much everything one needs. The concept of the supermarket is similar to Tesco. The most central store, MegaMarket on Gorkogo street has two floors. The ground floor is where you can do your grocery shopping and find food and other things for your pets. The choice here is very good including the wine sector. On the second floor, there is a large drugstore with the regular products like washing powder, cleaning detergents, creams, deodorants, razors etc. There is a counter with perfumes and cosmetics. Apart from that the second floor features household items such as towels, rugs, pots, cutlery, dishes, irons, hairdryers, mixers, grills etc. In a small sports corner you can find protective bandages as well as helmets, swimsuits, fins and such. Furthermore there is stationary, magazines, newspapers and a selection of books; men's and women's clothes and underwear, slippers, pyjamas and so on. Lastly, there is a pharmacy, dry cleaner and florist.

MegaMarket takes orders for delivery via their website, through email or by fax - all of the services are unfortunately only available in Russian. The delivery costs 10 Hryvnas to anywhere in Kiev or if you buy for more than 500 Hryvnas it is free. To get your stuff delivered the same day you have to order until 5 pm n which case it will be brought to you until 9pm.

Basseyna 4, Mandarin Plaza
Open: nonstop
English speaking staff: no
Amenities: ATM, credit cards accepted, currency exchange, parking garage, cafe bar, snack bar, sushi restaurant
What can you buy: Food, alcohol, very basic selection of toiletries and pet food, specialized in imported goods

Although at present the staff does not speak English and the bookings and the website are only available in Russian, Furshet is now starting to employ English speaking personnel. The supermarket also started to produce their onw goods like for example Tesco in the West and it runs its own bakery. The chain offers its own loyalty program - upon spending 1000 Hryvnas in three or less purchases, you get a discount card. There is an underground garage available for customers. The smallest but best located Furshet supermarket is the one in Mandarin Plaza on Basseyna Street. The choice of goods here is limited and focused on imported goods, therefore it is very popular among foreigners. The big advantage of Furshet on Basseyna is that it is open nonstop. It also features a sushi bar, a cafe and a snack bar with places for smokers. You'll be able to do your grocery shopping and find also the basic toiletries, pet food and care, baby food and a good selection of wine.

Furshet offers delivery service too. Booking can be done online or over the phone (Russian language only). Phone bookings can be done on: 528 3286 or 451 4561. With purchase over 300 Hryvnas the delivery is free, otherwise costs 10 Hryvnas to any place in Kiev. Orders to be delivered the same day must be submitted until 6 pm.

Mayakovskogo 85
M. Grishka 3
Petropavlovskaya 2
Open: Mon-Sat 8:00 - 22:00, Sun 10:00 - 22:00
English speaking staff: no
Amenities: ATM, credit cards accepted, parking
What can you buy: Food, alcohol, toiletries, pet food

Billa has large supermarkets with a good choice of fresh food, vegetables and fruits as well as frozen goods, drink and other necessities. Billa also appears to be cheaper than Furshet and MegaMarket. There are, however, no Billa stores located in the city center and they do not offer delivery.

Metro Cash & Carry
Grygorenko Prospekt 43
Okruzhnaya 1v
Moskovsky Prospekt 26v
What can you buy: food, alcohol, office supplies, clothing,

METRO Cash & Carry wholesale stores are designed exclusively for business customers. The stores offer an assortment over 25,000 items of food and nonfood products. METRO C&C format is convenient for professional customers such as hotels, restaurants, private entrepreneurs and retailers.Metro has 20 out lets in Kiev now.

A  triple partnership agreement was signed in Ukraine in March 2007 with the Furshet retail group, under which two companies were established: one to develop the Auchan hypermarket brand (owned 66% by the Auchan Group), and the other to develop shopping centres (owned 50% by the Auchan Group).
A 21.2% equity stake was also taken in Furshet supermarkets, which will continue to be managed by the Ukrainian group. The country’s first Auchan hypermarket has opened end March 2008, in Petrovka, a district of Kiev. With 14,200 sq m of sales area and over 500 employees, the store is the biggest in the country.

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