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1st German School in Kiev to open soon!
At long last a German school will open its doors in Kiev on 1 September 2008! Located in the centre of Kiev, the school's programme will follow the concept of "encounter" or "Begegnung" - giving German students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Ukrainian language and culture by studying with Ukrainian and students from other nations, who are interested in the German language and culture. The school will start at elementary level with two classes for Years 1 to 4 (from age 6 to 10). Years 1 and 2 and Years 3 and 4 will be taught together initially. Subjects will mostly be taught by native German teachers, with teachers from Ukraine for the Ukrainian part of the curriculum. In years to come the school will gradually expand into secondary level.
The opening of the German School in Kiev is based on an initiative of committed parents, who founded a school association in the autumn of 2007. The German and Austrian Embassies support this project.
Parents who wish to enrol their children at the German-Ukrainian "Begegnungsschule" are invited to send in their applications a.s.a.p. Further information and application forms can be found on

Language schools
Quality language schools teaching Russian, Ukrainian, English, German, French and other languages
International primary and secondary schools
Specialized elementary schools for international students
International kindergartens and activities for children
Kindergartens with program in English or another foreign language and a variety of activities for your kids
Graduate Programs
Available graduate studies in Kiev - programs and prices

University studies
The Taras Shevchenko University offers preparatory course for foreign students. When finished, you can study at any educational institution in Ukraine without entry exams. Majors plus language of your further studies (Russian or Ukrainian), visas, housing and trips are all provided. Information about the course, subjects, visas etc can be found here (PDF): Preparatory Courses KNTSU

ITM Austria/Ukraine

Study Hotel and Tourism Management in Austria - one of the world's leading country in this booming sector! Latest teaching methods in a cosy and safe atmosphere.
More info and admission criteria:

See the full description of  available courses here (PDF)

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