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Culture venues
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Culture venues

Kiev Opera Theatre
Address: Vladimirskaya 50, Kiev

Phone: 279 11 69
Day shows start at 12:00
Evening shows start at 19:00
Tickets: 5 - 50 UAH

Program for June 2008    
01.06. Aida G. Verdi opera
03.06. Daniela M. Chembergi ballet
04.06. Viennese Waltz J. Strauss ballet
06.06. A Masked Ball G. Verdi opera
07.06. Don Quixote L. Minkus ballet
08.06. A Masked Ball G. Verdi opera
11.06. Boyarinna V. Kyreiko opera
13.06. Turandot G. Puccini opera
14.06. Swan Lake P. Tchaikovski ballet
15.06. Faustus C. Gounot opera
18.06. Manon Lescaut G. Puccini opera
19.06. Master and Margarita   show
21.06. Norma V. Bellini opera
22.06. Raymonda O. Glazunov ballet
24.06. Scheherazade N. Rimsky-Korsakov ballet
25.06. La Traviata G. Verdi opera
26.06. Macbeth G. Verdi opera
27.06. Giselle A. Adam ballet
28.06. Zaporozhets za Dunaem S. Gulak-Artemovski opera

Classical Music in St. Andrew's Church

St. Andrew's Church is located on the Andreevski Spusk. Concerts take place every Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 19:30.  Tickets are available at the St. Andrew's church from 19:30 till 20:00 daily or throughout the Olvia network.  Tickets can also be reserved on 587 7490. Prices range from 10 to 45 Hryvnas. For more details call 2785861.  Program in Russian language is available on

Program for June 2008
01.06. 200 Years of Rozumovski Quartet
06.06. Masterpieces of Classical Music (violin, fortepiano)
07.06. Evening of Historical Music (barytone, fortepiano, flute, bassoon)
08.06. Evening of Chamber Music (Passion Quartet)
13.06. Evening of Historical Music (Moderntimes 1800 Quartet)
20.06. Music of the Baroque Era (fortepiano, flute)
21.06. Masterpieces of International Music (alto, fortepiano)
22.06. Tribute to Galina Tuftinnaya (fortepiano, mezzosoprano, soprano)
27.06. Evening of Vocals (mezzosoprano, fortepiano)
28.06. 200 Years of Rozumovski Quartet
29.06. Evening of Classical Music (clarinet, flute, fortepiano)

The National Philharmonic

Volodymyrsky Uzviz 2 (Metro "Maidan Nezalezhnosti").
Phone: 278 1697

Beginning of concerts at 7 p.m.
For programme please visit

Culture Venues

Kiev Theatres
On this page you will find the list of Kiev theatres and the programme for the Kiev Operetta Theater

Kiev Galleries
On this page you will find a list of galleries with opening times, addresses and other details.

Kiev Museums
On this page you will find a list museums with opening times, addresses and other details.

Ukrainian Artists

A selection of very creative and original Ukrainian artists. Check it out and judge for yourself.

Kiev Circus

Prospekt Peremogy 2, Kiev
Phone: 486 3927
The program changes twice a year, shows start at 19:00 on weekdays, at 13:00 and 17:00 on Saturdays.
Tickets  cost 10 and 25 UAH. There is also a 'circus school' for artists!

Where to buy tickets

287 6232
see program of events and order tickets online or call 592 0078, 592 0067

Booking: 501 2520 
Delivery: 501 2528

Shopping Mall Kvadrat

Shopping Mall Gorodok

Mega Market
Surikova Street 3

Shopping Mall Ukraina

Shopping Mall Metrograd

Shopping Mall Globus

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