2008.06.17 10:03 The plenary session starts with announcement of 30-munite break    2008.06.14 17:49 Zvyagilsky threatened the chief mining district, ‘You’ll be spitting blood and sit on prison cot’    2008.06.14 17:43 People were injured by the blast of sulphurous gas at ‘Stirol’     2008.06.14 17:42 Zasiadko mine is closed and sealed. Safety violations    2008.06.14 12:28 Twelve miners of Karl Marx Mine were searched by divers    

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2008.06.12 12:04 


2008.06.12 11:00 


2008.06.11 11:03 




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Topic of the day

society | 2008.06.13 16:20 

A.Khadanovich, M. Nartysevich: Different Belarus

Once, in Donetsk, the poet Dmitry Pavlychko came up to the group of local youth that was picketing with communist banners the building where he was citing his poems. He asked, ‘Did you read at school the works of Pavlychko-poet? It’s me’. – ‘Yes, we did …’ ‘Maybe, that’s the problem…’ the author of these lines thought. The poet Andrey Khadanovich won’t be read at schools. He is from another poetry an from...

Point of view

society | 2008.06.13 14:34 

Donetsk is being done the second capital of Ukrainian show business(Photos)

Russians seize the Ukrainian markets, and they order music. Donetsk has become the second city after Kiev to have the specialized shop of musical gear for show business. The presentation of the musical saloon owned by the famous Russian network ‘MuzTorg’ took place in Donetsk. On...

society | 2008.06.13 08:56 

Vladimir Shevchenko: ‘Corruption is not in universities but in society’

The campaign on external testing has been completed. Bu despite all assurances of offcials, bribing could last more and schools and universities could lose their adjusted for years the educational consistency. All that is on the background of price rise for education and complete indifference of business to the educational institutions’ needs. Rector of the Donetsk National University Vladimir Shevchenko...

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Point of view

politics | 2008.06.12 08:45 

T. Stetskiv, ‘In Any Alliance with The PRU, Yushchenko Will Be Junior Partner’

The field commander of Maidan, deputy of People’s Self-Defense,Taras Stetskiv made quite unexpected proposing in one of his interviews about the roots of today’s crisis. In his talk with ‘Ostrov’ correspondent, Taras Stepanovich explained the logics of his statement and analyzed the possible versions of events’ development. - What do you think of the coalition destiny? - The coalition...

 | 2008.06.11 11:43 

Those who returned from Hades. Chronicle of rescuing (photo and video)

The emergency at Karl Marx Mine in Yenakiyevo will, perhaps, the most ambiguous extreme event at Ukrainian mines, It seemed that there was no hope to find anyone alive there, under ground, after the most fearful blast in the history of Ukraine, the real miracle happened. The gas blast at Karl Marx Mine on 8 June was the most powerful in the history of emergencies at Ukrainian mines. Old-timers do not remember...

politics | 2008.06.10 11:44 

Psychologist: Yushchenko says what he thinks but Tymoshenko lies

The main premise for formation of classical two-party system in Ukraine should be uniting of ‘Our Ukraine’ with the Party of Regions and pushing out of the Communist Party by Yulia Tymoshenko’s Bloc from its ideological niche. Such opinion was expressed in the last year conversation with ‘Ostrov’ by the doctor of psychological sciences, chief of the laboratory of he Institute of political...

politics | 2008.06.09 14:40 

‘Skin’ of Unshared Shelf or Somebody Is Preparing ‘Straitjacket’ for Somebody

The decision of the National Security and Defense Council of 30 May this year was validated by the direction of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko of 4 June. Then the direction of the NSDC has become known and accessible for reading and studying of the issues on sharing hydrocarbons that would be produced in Kerch area’s continental shelf of the Black Sea between state of Ukraine and company ‘Vanco...

politics | 2008.06.06 16:02 

Democratic Coalition: Where to? Morgue or Reanimation?

After statements of two deputies Igor Rybakov (BYuT) and Yuriy Booy (PUOU) on leaving the Democratic coalition, the political program of the country has again been suspended. Due to legislation contradictions, nobody an say for sure what will become later, what destiny expects the parliamentary majority and Verkhovna Rada itself. We decided to summarize the points of view of politicians and political analysts...

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Point of view

politics | 2008.06.06 14:35 

You too, Boot?!

The morning in Rada started with the statement of the BYuT people deputy Igor Rybakov of his leaving democratic coalition. That document caused bewilderment rather than sacndal. It became clear later when he speaker Arseniy Yatsenyuk declared that there was treachery in the coalition. TWO deputies announced their leaving. The second ‘traitor’ was named Yutiy Boot. After that the vain words acquired the evil sense. Rybakov’s...

society | 2008.06.05 12:26 

Insurance. Does it mean ‘fear’?

The Director General of Ukraine’s Insurants’ Association of Ukraine Leonid Khorin, ‘One should perceive the insurance company not as friendly partner but as commercial organization, which sole purpose is not the well-being of the client but getting profits at the cost of that client’. Perhaps, many of our readers had to spend much money, tie and nerves for attempts to get their legal compensation. At the...

society | 2008.06.04 11:32 

Vaccination: Is It Crime or Hysteria?

Around vaccination in Ukraine, passions don’t calm down. The obligatory vaccination against measles and rubella brought to multiple cases of health deterioration. On 13 May the senior class pupil from Kramatorsk died after the inoculation against measles and rubella. On 19 May he Ministry of Public Health suspended the campaign of mass immunization of young people against measles and rubella. At the same time,...

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Point of view

politics | 2008.06.02 10:07 

An Accountant

Some experts state that the power has established (or restored, whatever you like) the total control over the courts and supervisors of legality. Fron recent times, it is impossible to resolve any important question without Bankova Street… People, who have known Tymoshenko long, have noticed some fright in her eyes…. A couple years ago the writer was unlucky to get involved in long arguments with one well-known...

society | 2008.05.29 12:11 

Thirst for Money Kills Sea

Inhabitants of the half-million sea city of Mariupol are reading summaries of the production increase by metal giants with horror, though the official statistics states the improvement of ecological situation in the city. The citizens are sure of the contrary – it is much harder to breath now. Unreasonable location of works and city arrangement in soviet times resulted in smog emitted by the 'Azovstal' complex...

politics | 2008.05.26 14:01 

The Talk on Privatization. Are We Any Worse Than Chinese?

In the country, there is going a war between the President, the Party of Regions and BYuT for distribution of control over the power bodies. Following the Constitutional Court, Prosecution General’s Office, Central election committee, parliament and Cabinet, the goal of that fighting became the National Property Fund. The attempt of raiser's seizure of the Fund, criminal cases because of that, the situation of uncertainty...

politics | 2008.05.23 12:40 

Boris Kolesnikov, 'We are Ready for Any Happenings'

'Ostrov' s last attempt to get the interview from Boris Kolesnikov was unsuccessful. It was April 2007, the period between the first and next directives issued by the president on dissolution of the parliament. When revising the interview, Boris Kolesnikov, refused it. I found an explanation in his bad humor; he seems to explain it with the journalist's dullness. In general, the talk was nervous. Now he looks different,...

economics | 2008.05.22 13:39 

Ecological Reservation or Capitalism with Socialist Face

It seems that coal mining in Ukraine managed to combine socialism with capitalism. Just think: 'You pretend to be working and they pretend paying to you' – such economic formula of 'developed socialism' was invented by people's political economists at the end of the USSR. They also were aware that the monster of capitalism is 'when there is money – there are services (goods); no money – go away'. Our mines...

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Region news

2008.06.12 10:49 

Россиянка получила срок за убийство мужа двумя пощечинами

2008.06.11 12:48 

Петросян и Степаненко разводятся после 18 лет совместной жизни

2008.06.11 09:30 

Жители острова Лесбос хотят через суд запретить называть женщин нетрадиционной ориентации лесбиянками

2008.06.09 14:46 

В Полтавской области украли Ленина

2008.06.04 17:58 

Лилия Подкопаева выступит на Евровидении

2008.06.03 15:22 

Кобзона выписывают. На фоне беспризорных детей его ангина – прыщик на ж….

2008.06.02 16:32 

Кобзон из онкоцентра рассказал о своей болезни (Аудиофайл)

2008.06.02 14:38 

Во время отборочного тура Чемпионата мира по футболу 8 человек погибли в давке

2008.06.02 13:17 

Умер великий дизайнер Ив Сен-Лоран

2008.06.02 09:28 

На Днепропетровщине «Опель» не разминулся с «КИА». Четверо погибших

2008.06.02 08:39 

Голливуд в огне. Пострадали Кинг-Конг и фильмотека

2008.05.30 13:25 

В Кривом Роге 17 малышей госпитализированы с кишечной инфекцией

2008.05.30 12:32 

В Полтаве коммунальщики воюют с коммунистами за тарифы на воду

2008.05.30 10:34 

В гробу я вас видел! В Трускавеце открыли кафе-бар в форме гроба (Фото)

2008.05.29 13:36 

Акция! Американский Красный Крест меняет кровь на бесплатный бензин

2008.05.29 09:25 

Инженеры спасли Пизанскую башню от падения. Она перестала двигаться

2008.05.27 15:36 

Англичане считают, что Украина голосовала за Диму Билана на Евровидении, потому что хочет получать российский газ

2008.05.27 14:57 

Певицу Вику Цыганову запретили на ТВ. За жесткую критику в адрес правительства

2008.05.27 14:37 

Брэд Питт и Анджелина Джоли приобрели дом во Франции за 60 млн. долларов

2008.05.26 18:39 

Мэр Луцка написал заявление о выходе из "Батькивщины"


Read all News

2008.06.17 10:03 

The plenary session starts with announcement of 30-munite break

2008.06.14 17:49 

Zvyagilsky threatened the chief mining district, ‘You’ll be spitting blood and sit on prison cot’

2008.06.14 17:43 

People were injured by the blast of sulphurous gas at ‘Stirol’

2008.06.14 17:42 

Zasiadko mine is closed and sealed. Safety violations

2008.06.14 12:28 

Twelve miners of Karl Marx Mine were searched by divers

2008.06.13 16:16 

From the year beginning, over a hundred crimes have been revealed in the Donetsk oblast coal mining industry

2008.06.13 16:05 

In response to Russian gas price rise Ukraine has ‘strong symmetrical answer’

2008.06.13 15:10 

In Alushta, the whole leadership of the city is detained.

2008.06.13 11:11 

CPU and PSPU are having anti-NATO action (Photo)

2008.06.13 10:45 

Arrests and criminal cases Security and militia got seriously to investigate tramadol distributors

2008.06.13 10:31 

Rector of the Donetsk University is sure, ‘Some officials from the city council are engaged in financial machinations’

2008.06.13 08:22 

Rescuers have found two bodies of fishermen in Azov Sea, according to the press service of the Emergency Ministry of Ukraine

2008.06.12 18:15 

The hospital of occupational diseases has opened the unique center

2008.06.12 16:37 

The minister Poltavets does not exclude that Karl Marx Mine will be restored

2008.06.12 13:19 

In Ukraine, the special operation on the struggle with tramadol

2008.06.12 12:40 

Rinat Akhmetov is acknowledged the richest man of Europe – rating

2008.06.12 10:38 

The mining rescuers continue works at Karl Marx Mine . Twelve men are in search

2008.06.12 10:16 

With soviet songs, the communists break the work of the international conference on NATO. There are 50 of them

2008.06.12 09:06 

After joining WTO, Ukraine did not get access to foreign markets

2008.06.11 12:30 

EU population reached 495 million people. The majority have houses and flats

2008.06.11 11:19 

Tymoshenko does not know any other government that would work better than hers

2008.06.11 10:20 

Akhmetov’s foundation has already bought 16 houses for big families

2008.06.11 10:01 

The average wage in Donetsk is over 2 thousand UAH

2008.06.11 09:26 

Vinsky requests Tymoshenko to allow the Director General of ‘Ukrzaliznitsa’

2008.06.11 09:00 

Yushchenko requires from Tymoshenko to punish the officials who hinder the preparations for Euro-2012

2008.06.11 08:57 

At Karl Marx Mine people were working for ‘kopecks’ in emergency mode - experts

2008.06.11 08:35 

London court condemned ‘Obozrevatel’ to pay 100 thousand dollars to Rinat Akhmetov

2008.06.10 14:12 

Soon in Donetsk, the ‘scheduled-systematic work’ with homeless animals will start (Photo)

2008.06.10 13:17 

The Donetsk Mayor does not believe rumors about Poland declining Euro-2012

2008.06.10 12:32 

The mine emergencies happen because of coal production at large depths - Turchinov

2008.06.10 12:30 

Turchinov told the main version of Karl Marx Mine blast

2008.06.10 11:55 

The rescuers are aware where 12 workers of Karl Marx Mine are located ‘The chances of rescuing are minimal’

2008.06.10 11:40 

Donetsk will financially assist Yenakiyevo to restore after the emergency

2008.06.10 09:54 

Yushchenko assigned Grischenko to be Ukrainian ambassador in Russia. The diplomat used to be V. Yanukovych’s minister

2008.06.10 09:45 

The Donetsk oblast hospitals treat 29 miners of the blasted mine

2008.06.09 19:35 

Twenty three miners have been raised from Yenakiyevo mine where there was an explosion

2008.06.09 18:49 

Raisa Bogatyreva presented several versions of the blast at Karl Marx Mine

2008.06.09 18:29 

Over a thousand graduates are dissatisfied with testing results, which is tolerable

2008.06.09 17:44 

Wet towels, ‘extension’, handcuff to radiators – this is the way the prisoners are tortured in Ukrainian prisons

2008.06.09 17:23 

Arseniy Yatsenyuk calms down the fidgeting: there are no legal grounds for elimination of the coalition

Currency exchange




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© 2005 "Research Center of Donbass Social Perspectives".
Copyright The material use is permitted only on condition of reference to (for Internet publications - with super link to) ostro.org.
The Project is carried out with the assistance of National Fund of Democracy Support . Authors' opinions do not obligatory coincide with the official position of the Fund.
The Project is performed with support of the USA Embassy in Ukraine. Authors' opinions do not obligatory coincide with official position of the USA Government.
The Project is performed with support of the "International Fund Vidrodzhennia".

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